Uh what... Why do you think Israel is able to block aid to Gaza, and stop their power, trash, food, water intake, and ability to travel?
It's because they never left. They've always been occupiers who have controlled their territory.
Uh what... Why do you think Israel is able to block aid to Gaza, and stop their power, trash, food, water intake, and ability to travel?
It's because they never left. They've always been occupiers who have controlled their territory.
100%. The West Bank is proof. They are being slaughtered and ethnically cleansed from there with no recourse. You need guns to defend yourselves against genociders, WW2 proved that. Hamas, and similar groups, are the only ones willing to carry guns and actually defend their people.
Because you're stopping at an arbitrary point to give in to bigots.
Didn't know they changed owners. That's unfortunate.
Gotcha. Good to know. So it's like TPB would change domains or hosts every couple months in the old days? Lol
Just wanted to give an update that I started learning Linux. It's been a pain in the ass to look up every basic thing I could do in Windows without thinking, but I'm sure I'll get it down with enough use and googling for every error. Only been using it a couple days so far, but already starting to prefer the console over the UI for some things, thanks to the ability to quickly repeat old commands with the up and down arrow keys. It's kind of exciting, like I'm starting the first steps to join the Linux club I see so much on Lemmy.
Do you need a seedbox to maintain your ratio? I've thought about looking into them but don't want to pay some monthly fee to get a couple hard to find things, when I could just torrent from my plex box when I need to.
Oh don't worry, the parts of the government that benefit the rich and corporations I'm sure they will find a way to salvage.
Ya but when it's posted on a social media they can't control and you aren't American, they can't stop it. It's why videos of the genocide were all over Tik Tok but not US social media. The US does the same things, but with Instagram and similar (even in your first article it shows they have that capability and worse. Which checks out, I've had Instagram and FB make ad suggestions for things I've searched on completely different apps or web pages, or sometimes just something I've talked about.)
I would argue that Chinese controlled social media is better if you're trying to get past US censored channels and surveillance and you live in the US. Same if I was in China, I'd be saying the about US social media probably.
Of course fediverse service would be the best case scenario.
I just did my second mission and a random level 56 guy came down and helped me. It was so nice! I accidentally killed them once, but they seemed understanding about it lol. (Well, none of us had mics on but it seemed like it.) Then they went to my ship but I had to head out and get ready for work, so I guess to them it looked like I randomly left. I'll miss them.
Maybe I should've added them as a friend or something lol.