Makes sense.
I dont reall eat kiwis often enough to bother.
Is it not Earhart?
That's different tho. Kiwi skin is only gross because it's hairy. If it werent I would eat kiwis like apples.
Sorry I have a TKL with a separate numpad that does not get much use.
I mean we have a similar percentage system. It's like the bigger the percentage the more your life is impacted by the disability kinda thing. If I recall correctly my brother is like 1-2% disabled because he broke some of his teeth falling off his bike and had to get them fixed.
Well that is why we call them IGF and not IDF.
Pleasure rhe king into abdicating.
Relatively easy one today. Purple has the same thing as yesterday when someone complained about it being ___ 'word'. Also yellow makes absolutely no sense.
Puzzle #659
It's Fr❤️nch. I love french jets!!
Guessing this is a Jerboa issue.
I mean skimming through all your replies makes me think there is no issue to this. You can also cook some amazing dinner to inpress her.