Mostly covers for different hoses and valves for scientific instruments used underwater. For the seals I mostly use O-rings.
I myself have made a couple of very simple watertight (non essential) prints for scubadiving. They are holding up really well!
The guys from Prusa Research have a lenghty blog post about watertight 3d-prints: This might be a good source for tipps and tricks!
Take care and make a stop to keep concentration!
I am currently playing "It takes two" together with my wife. It looks cute, has a story that is funny and really sad at the same time and the mechanics of the game change frequently. The occasional (optional) Minigames are really fun too!
I have another one:
Me: "How old are you?"
Her: shows two fingers
Me: "Yes, you are two..."
Her: "I'm a number!"
"I need my pacifier!" no reaction from the adults because we want to use it less "... it was just a proposal."
That made us laugh because it was so unexpected to hear a two year old kid say this.
Strands #145 “Go for the gold” 🟡🔵🔵🔵 🔵🔵🔵
I turned on the "wrong water" in the shower. (?)