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[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago (3 children)

The paradox of tolerance is tolerating intolerance can lead to the erosion of tolerance itself. I'm perfectly cognizant of what you're trying to say, and what your meaning is and I can tell by your replies that you've not only not read what I've said (or don't understand it), but you're entirely misrepresenting what I have said.

You're under the entirely mistaken impression that I'm being tolerant of those who are being intolerant because I'm not calling for their heads on pikes. Being anti-trans is intolerant and I believe that pushing back against them is worth doing and necessary for a society. But acknowledging that, according to the US constitution, these intolerant people have the right to be intolerant in the same way that trans people have the right to be trans, isn't being tolerant of the intolerant. It's pointing out that our most supreme law of the land affords these people this right and attempting to curtail that right is in violation of those rights and is unconstitutional in the same way its unconstitutional to attempt to curtail the rights of trans.

I've said exactly two things in the entirety of all my replies here;

  1. All people have rights, not just trans students, which must all be respected whether you think their opinion is repugnant or not
  2. Universities shouldn't have the right to set the social zeitgeist for students, that needs to be left up to the students themselves and if that means the students agree that trans athletes shouldn't compete then that needs to be respected too

Personally I would hope that wouldn't be the case. I would think that the younger generation have a good head on their shoulders and would see that trans rights are human rights. But you can't force that ideology onto people. Recognizing people have a right to be intolerant isn't siding with them, nor is it feeding into a tolerance paradox. I can still call them assholes and bigots while simultaneously recognizing their right to be repugnant.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 2 days ago

Agreed. It encourages that behavior.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 days ago (8 children)

spend money to pirate now before you have to spend even more money to pirate later


pLeX iS aWeSoMe!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Your whole take is so much transphobic bullshit.

Whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep at night, I guess. I feel I've done everything possible to disprove that, and at this point if you still hold that position than nothing can change your mind because you're reacting emotionally to the problem, and that's never--not once in the history of mankind--solved any of our problems.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago (3 children)

So then why would I care about what you're saying when you can't defend it?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Wait so it’s not okay for universities to segregate students based on race

Go ahead and point out at any time where that was said by anyone but you.

You've somehow gotten it into your head that I'm anti-trans, or supporting anti-trans, which is stupid. I'm a civil rights activist. I advocate for people's rights--and I understand that you don't "give" people rights. You have to make people realize who think that group of people don't have rights that they actually do. And you can't get to that point by saying "your rights don't matter here" and letting universities do the same.

For you to have rights, xenophobics and transphobics have to have rights. For you to express your opinion, you have to be willing to let the xenophobics and transphobics have their pullpit, too. That's the way it works. You are free to say "their opinion doesn't matter!" but you're not winning any hearts and minds and least of all not winning any court cases with that attitude.

Every single reply I've had in this thread is an emotional response because people seem to be under the very mistaken impression that I'm anti-trans or advocating for anti-trans rhetoric, and that's simply not true. I'm advocating for all rights, not just trans rights. People are empowered by the constitution to be racist in the same way they're empowered by the constitution to be trans. You don't get to pick and choose and that's always--literally 100% of the time--worth pointing out. Ultimately it needs to be up to the students to be okay with trans or not be okay with trans. Institutions shouldn't be involved at all.

That's the reasonable discourse of a democracy.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago (5 children)

Explain how it "controls" your child.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago (5 children)

Segregating people for political gain is fucking evil.

I totally agree. But not everyone feels the same.

You don’t stop bullies by giving them what they want.

You also don't stop them by saying "your disgusting and your opinion doesn't matter."

Everything you're saying here is an emotional response to this issue. You're not helping anyone, you're not objectively looking at the problem. You just want to curtail the rights of those you don't agree with and bolster those that you do. And that's dangerous because it's exactly what the trans hating people want to do too, but somehow it's right for you to do but bad for them to do it in your eyes when in fact its wrong for both of you to do...

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

That’s literally not standing up for rights.

Yes it is. You can't "stand up for rights" by infringing on another's rights.

Their rights don’t extend to dictating who else can play sports

They’re not dictating who can play sports any more than they always have. There’s already a female league, which inherently means men can’t participate. Are you going to argue that having a women’s league is against the law or discriminatory in the first place? If that’s your stance, then you’re essentially agreeing with me that universities should transition from a gender-based system to an open, non-gendered system to be inclusive for all students--not just those who fit into clear, traditional gender roles. By doing that, literally no one would have any room to complain about transgender inclusion. It’s the obvious solution to everyone’s issues, but as a society, we’re so fixated on who has a penis and who has a vagina that we’re completely overlooking the simplicity and fairness of this approach. The best part is that it doesn't infringe on anyone's rights in the process...everyone is equal, everyone can participate and play, no one is excluded.

Fucking lol, wall-of-text-man who still couldn’t explain precisely why he won’t answer the parallel question and has been universally down-voted since he explained his position enough to make the transphobia evident. Hopefully someday you’ll be embarrassed of your present self.

It’s almost as if people are free to have their own opinions about things, even when those opinions don’t align with the majority. Strange, right? Populism doesn’t bother me—it’s just the system functioning as it should. Frankly, I’m not impressed when someone holds the exact same opinion as a dozen or so random people on the internet. The fact that you think that’s how it should be is... odd to me. The way you feel things ought to be and the way they actually are will almost always differ. The reality is that even students who hold racist, sexist, xenophobic, or transphobic views also have rights, and you can’t trample on theirs without opening the door for everyone's rights to be trampled on.

You can’t protect rights by taking them away from others. That’s not protecting rights--it's just making yourself feel morally superior. It would be fantastic if trans individuals could compete without anyone having an issue with it. I’d fully support that. But that’s not the reality we live in, and denying that reality doesn't help anyone, least of all trans students. Sitting behind your keyboard and declaring, "Things should be this way!"--even when that approach grants rights to one group by stripping them from another--helps absolutely no one. Using the justification of "haha, he’s getting downvoted, so that means I’m right!" is just plain silly. Sure, it might be an unpopular opinion, but that doesn’t determine whether it's objectively true or not. Truth isn’t decided by popularity.


Fucking lol, wall-of-text-man

It's almost like this is a serious issue and deserves more than 140 characters. Why you think that's a bad thing is pretty fucked up. You're not the advocate you think that you are here.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago (7 children)

Do me a favor. Go ahead and point out where I said Google was your friend. Thanks.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago

Owning the device is consent. Read the terms of service of your device. lol.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

Ephemeral. If my VPN is off for whatever reason, I don't still get letters in the mail from my ISP. So it depends on how much you fear that, I guess.

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