Am I the only one who sees this as a sloth instead of a helmet?
Yes? Ok maybe I'm going crazy
Am I the only one who sees this as a sloth instead of a helmet?
Yes? Ok maybe I'm going crazy
From the article
The first five implants took place last year in the US and all received donor hearts before being discharged from hospital, with the longest time in between implant and transplant 27 days.
Seems like the initial trials are using it as a temporary measure until a donor heart can be transplanted
Probably performance - the Java server takes up a lot of memory and CPU for what it does. The base implementation first started in 2011, so it wasn't exactly designed to be multithreaded or parallelized because most games were still largely single-threaded at the time. Rewriting it from scratch in a different language probably helps with that
... and are keeping the hate to the appropriate boards (X, I believe it's called nowadays). Should we contract his work and apply it where applicable?
There is no "appropriate board" for hate speech, whether it's antisemitism, transphobia, or anything else. If you wouldn't want someone to be a nazi in your office, why would you pay them if you know they're a nazi somewhere else? Is it fine as long as it's someone else's problem?
On another level, if you had to pay a developer, and you have reason to think they might donate the money you give them to an antisemitic cause, or directly use it to fund their own antisemitism, would you still want to give them that money? Or maybe look elsewhere, even if it means getting something slightly worse?
Somehow this post has negative down votes and I'm all for it.
Isn't servo mostly a Mozilla-led project? I thought servo would probably just replace gecko as the engine firefox used if it ends up succeeding
Reaching a middle ground on an Internet discussion? No, it can't be. There must be something wrong here. I need to keep arguing about minor things like daily routines. Why else would I be here?
/s if it wasn't obvious. This thread makes me happy, have a good day :)
Obviously, it's a silly semantic debate, and someone could equally judge me for wanting my coffee beans roasted and ground "why not eat the berries fresh if you say you love coffee‽".
My point is that it would be silly to judge someone for this, just like it's silly to judge someone for putting creamer in coffee.
Edit: also, what about drinks like mochas, cappuccinos, macchiatos, etc. which also have other ingredients mixed in? Generally it's still fine to call those forms of coffee, no?
Random side note: I've had chocolate-dipped espresso beans before and they're actually a pretty good snack. You just can't eat too many of them because of the caffeine content.
I think the idea is that you can eventually get an approximation of whatever wave-like curve you want by merging several pure sin/cos functions with varying amplitudes, wavelengths, and offsets
Fun fact: this is mostly how JPEG works - it uses fourier transforms to approximate an image in a way that takes up much less storage than storing information about each pixel.
Yeah that's still gatekeeping though. Coffee is coffee regardless of what you put in it. Even if it's gross according to my own individual taste, it's still coffee. Saying anything else is just "better-than-you" gatekeeping.
Edit: it's also nothing like your example at all, because coffee with creamer is still literally made with real coffee, while an apple jacks pop tart is almost definitely not made with real apples.
Imagine gatekeeping caffeine
Doesn't W3C already maintain the ActivityPub protocol?
Edit: nevermind I misunderstood this