I think we’ll all get on just fine. This is like a toddler tantrum. Just need to cry it out in the corner a bit.
There’s probably a lot that could be recovered from my urine. Fun fact when phosphorus was first discovered they had to boil off gallons of urine to get a useful amount, so they collected barrels of urine from mining camps.
Healthcare, food, and housing for the poor.
I do king bed with twin duvets.
Exactly those are signs. But it’s possible to spout nonsense and do no real significant harm. The purchase of Twitter was a significant turning point. Rather than thoughts or opinions it became actions.
There were signs earlier but it became clear in fall 2023
A few ceos have been playing a bit too much Egg, Inc. It’s a game!
I love the album, but the cover art does not move me. The Hand That Thieves was never officially released, but I did get a blank CD in the mail with its own cover art, featuring a cat. I never burned the CD because there is no lossless copy.
Canada and US are in negotiations to renew the Columbia River Treaty, where the US pays Canada for flood control upstream. They protect the cities along the Columbia River, and the hydroelectric infrastructure on the River, and the bridges. If Canada decides to play hardball, there’s a lot at their mercy.
Life is like a garden. If you want to sit around and curse at the thistles and weeds, you can, but they will continue to grow as you fixate on them. If you see beauty and follow it, then cultivate it, you will be in a beautiful garden. It’s not instantaneous, and it takes work. The work starts in your mind. Negative thoughts will blind you to good opportunities. If you don’t know where you’re going, any place will get you there. Maybe a good place to start is finding the tolerable humans, and see where it takes you.