
joined 2 years ago

This is huge. It seems criminal for banks to charge you up to $50 when you may not even have that in your account.

34% of Canadians getting slapped with one of these fees in 2023 is bonkers. That's like $50 million in fees taken from the people who are least able to afford it.

I feel like this is so obvious it should slap you in the face after thinking about it for more than 5 seconds.

If you aren't getting around on a bike, you're probably taking your car instead which is +1 car on the road that wouldn't have been there otherwise. Multiply this by however many cyclists are currently using the bike lanes.

My first time playing battletech was just me and a friend of mine who hadn't played either, and we both have fairly severe adhd symptoms. Trying to figure out how to keep track of movement rolls was confusing to say the least but we eventually got it.

[–] 11 points 1 week ago (3 children)

You send me a 🍑, I send a 🥕 back.

You send a 🎡, that's pretty abstract.

Forget about wars until world hunger gets dealt with

Is there another example of a sketch where the punchline can be seen from so far away but still lands regardless?

I host my own Matrix server and wow is it ever a terrible feeling, knowing that material from another server just slides its way into mine and gets immediately cached.

[–] 20 points 3 weeks ago (4 children)

RSS is one of those things that I grew up always seeing online but never really took the time to understand what it is or how it worked.

Until about a year ago when I set up FreshRSS. Now RSS is like the primary way I consume news online, I can't believe it took me until current year to get onboard with the concept.

You change your mind often.

Saturation slider go brrr

[–] 220 points 3 weeks ago (4 children)

Jeff Bezos Announces Resignation

They had us in the first half, not gonna lie

Plexamp seems to tick all the boxes, but yeah that plex pass requirement is a bit of a downer.


I counted conservatively just shy of 50 of these little guys on an hour long walk.


When my stubble grows in, I just have to play with it. When I shave it off, I just have to feel how smooth it is.

It's maddening and I recognize that people must think I look ridiculous with my hand always stroking my chin.


When getting an android system notification for a new comment reply, tapping the notification slide takes me to the Mentions tab of the inbox instead of to the Replies tab.

Not sure if this is intended behaviour but seems like a bug.


When attempting to add an account, no option to enter my TOTP authentication token is available.

Thanks for the hard work!

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