Like everything else here in the US, it’s borne out of racism. In the Jim Crow era, most black people couldn’t afford a car. White people driving around didn’t like those pesky walking people getting in their way, so they made it difficult to cross the street. It then gave cops a way to threaten/arrest/persecute them.
You can swear on the internet, your mom isn’t watching.
I don’t know why you’re being downvoted, you’re right. The value prop is different for different people. But I use search a lot more than I use YouTube, so I pay for the former and not the latter. I think that over time, people will get more used to the idea of paying for search. Not everyone, but plenty of people who want the premium experience it offers. I know I could never go back.
Those same people probably have no problem paying more than that for YouTube Premium for an ad-free experience. Truth is, ad-supported search will always go to shit because it’s in direct competition with its own product. It’s the same reason YouTube with ads keeps getting worse.
We gotta go back to 1955, and prevent ~~Biff~~ Trump from getting the sports almanac!
This post shows that it’s much worse than that.
Pretty soon, South Koreans will need to send them to us in the States as well.
My news source: memes
Django is once again chained
Red Ventures. They buy up web properties, fire everyone, and turn them into ai-generated click farms. For example, C|Net. They steal from their employees too.
Motion-sensing faucets in public bathrooms. I feel like there is somebody behind the mirror trolling me every time.