F the fascists
Can the downvotes explain? If i’m using the wrong app I would like to know
I use Thunder and haven’t had any issues
I wanna know what that lil axe thing is for
I met a girl on an MSN chat room and we talked for awhile and enjoyed each others’ company. We found out we lived pretty close and were the same age but went to different high schools. We decided to meet up in a public place for a date so I fired up mapquest and printed off directions. She did as well. Well, I took a wrong turn and couldn’t get back on track so I disappointingly went home to get back on MSN to give her the news that I got lost. Turns out she did as well! lol. Next time I just gave her my address and we dated for a bit ha
I want anything AI-related to be forced to be opt-in. I’m sick of having to find out these things on the news/Lemmy/wherever when it is likely too late to have them use the data already
It’s peanuts to them. It’s about 15h of profits is all. You can’t even call it a slap on the wrist, more like a friendly tickle ha
I can’t help but wonder if this is to take the news spotlight away from the Siri recording scandal that just popped up
Yeah they worked amazingly. I went into classes already knowing a lot of the math and science material and the teachers lessons taught principles instead of just formulas. I would say they are still beneficial for todays kids although there may be better ones now. There’s nothing like saving your little video game buddy to force you to memorize things haha
For the typing yeah it trained me not to look at the keyboard and type things very quickly. One trick my typing teacher in school used was to put cardboard over the keyboard so you can’t see. I think that would probably pair nicely with the game.
Mario Teaches Typing
All of the ‘Blaster Learning System’ games like Math Blasters: In Search of Spot
I was pretty young still so those educational ones were hella fun and my parents would let me play as much as I wanted
Unfortunately it takes too long for them to lose.