I think you're right
Background playback used to be a thing in the official app, but then they obviously couldn't get as many people to pay for YouTube Music or YouTube Premium or whatever.
Learn how to use Docker. That's gonna be a big help.
This is a dumb comparison. It's apparently frowned upon to attack idiots with flame throwers, baseball bats or chainsaws. I can't use my Left4Dead skills against idiots at all.
What problems are you having with it?
Didn't Mac use just CR line endings at some point?
I updated and didn't have to do anything special. It just seems to work. But my zigbee2mqtt setup is only around 6 months old and I use a new Sonoff ZBDongle-P too. I have also never added or changed anything manually in the configuration.yaml.
I selfhost Tiny Tiny RSS
I drew a bird. I remember spending so many hours playing with Microsoft Paint as a kid. And I'm still not good at drawing 😅
That's what happens when you download Chrome from chr0mebrowser․ru
What am I even doing with my life... brb, gotta get me an octopus vase...
I host my own Tiny Tiny RSS (TT-RSS), but I've used the public instance of CommaFeed too, many years ago, before I started selfhosting.
I really like TT-RSS, especially with my own theme I made, but the container image I'm using now is outdated and has some problems, and if I want to upgrade I'll have to switch image to the official one, and I won't be able to simply migrate my data over, as TT-RSS has since dropped support for MySQL completely, so I'm considering just hosting Commafeed instead (since I have to start fresh anyway).
I prefer RSS readers that feel a bit like Google Reader (R.I.P. - Gone but not forgotten)