Stargate SG-1 is equal parts "Vancouver warehouse sci-fi" and "Vancouver rock quarry sci-fi"
Using the Internet Archive like this for streaming and sharing pirated movies is a dick move. They're a really valuable nonprofit organization, but they're already in hot water because of some ebook lending during covid, so this is just wasting their bandwidth and painting another target on them for the big Hollywood rightsholders.
You guys ever heard of torrents?
Yeah, you could get hundreds of cheap nozzles for $70. I've bought packs of 10 nozzles for 74 cents. That's almost a thousand nozzles I could get instead of one $70 tungsten one. Or maybe "only" 800 nozzles if I factor in a pessimistic shipping cost too.
EDIT: Checked the price I paid and it was even cheaper than I remember. Edited my calculations.
What's the value proposition here? Free no-questions-asked replacement if it breaks? Free upgrades when new models come out (though they have no real incentive to keep developing new "forever mice")?
If my mice on average last, say, 6 years and cost $175 (I splurged on a high-end one last time), the subscription will have to be less than $2.40/month, and since customers absolutely hate subscriptions, especially if there's no real benefit, probably even less than $1.50/month for most to even consider it.
In fact the Logitech mouse before my current mouse lasted 12 years and cost me $75, so that's a max subscription cost of 50 cents/month for it to be comparable.
I've had about 1000+ tabs open before, but I've gotten better at keeping them under control. It's very normal for me to hit a couple hundred, once in a while, though, before I go through them all and weed out the ones I'm done with. Right now I only have 24, but 19 of them are my pinned tabs that are used all the time.
What am I even doing with my life... brb, gotta get me an octopus vase...