Is your title a portmanteau of prophetic and profit?
Is your title a portmanteau of prophetic and profit?
Knowing is half the battle
Goddammit, can companies stop leaking our shit everywhere please
Yeah, I don't like Temu, and I'm sure the app is a privacy nightmare, but these claims don't seem right. If it's true, I'd like to see someone else verify it.
For science, I guess?
Cheese is not supposed to look like that...
I rarely use that keyboard, but once in a while you just need to type something in a terminal or a remote desktop or something, and it really comes in handy then.
How about presenting the actual photo editing features instead of telling potential new users about the QT framework and C++ or whatever it uses? The website is peak "programmer attempting marketing".
I'm glad I don't host any PHP on Windows.
The snake and songbirds one? Not an IMDB top 10 movie, but not bad at all, in my opinion.
The full sentence is
Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book, also known as The Jungle Book
because the actual title of the movie is "Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book".
I've had about 1000+ tabs open before, but I've gotten better at keeping them under control. It's very normal for me to hit a couple hundred, once in a while, though, before I go through them all and weed out the ones I'm done with. Right now I only have 24, but 19 of them are my pinned tabs that are used all the time.