And quickly, before it's closed down.
Same for composer Ralph Vaughan-Williams. Since the last name starts with a 'f' sound, people think it's 'Ray Fiennes' or 'Ray Vaughan-Williams'. Granted Vaughan-Williams is a very niche example that most people would not have heard of.
I hope I'm not wrong in hyphenating his surname.
I was thinking Tom Scott or Auto Shenanigans
FUCK no. At least it's coming from truss, who is trying to be relevant. That's all. Anything with her name on it is doomed to fail.
Am UK citizen living in US. Halp.
Send them.... Back?
Well, the design of the plug also implies the design of the socket. I was born in the eighties, and I've never seen an electrical socket without a switch, except for the appliance socket used for the cooker, which is behind where you install the appliance - the switch is higher up, above the countertop where it is accessible.
Basic extension trailing sockets don't, most of the time unless you buy a snazzy one. But it's by no means a recent development.
Tom Scott has a video all about the UK power outlet plug and socket and it's an engineering marvel. The switch is just one feature.
after making ~~a gesture at a Trump inauguration event resembling~~ a Nazi salute
There, Grauniad. I fixed your copy for you.
There's a replevin for when debtors won't comply. It's like a warrant. I don't like it any more than the next guy but if we buy cars on finance, the dealer or bank owns the car until we've paid our loan off. Hiding it from them is technically stolen property. A lien holder's legal right to a repo order is a literally a signed tenet of the loan agreement.
Not a problem that needs to be solved with technology, there's already the long arm of the law. Capitalism! 👍
No, but it implies that the brand has attained a certain level of quality to the point where some rich pleb sponges have decided they rather like it. The papers want to know who's shirts you wear...