
joined 2 years ago
[–] 2 points 9 hours ago

You pedantic fuck ❤️

[–] 2 points 1 day ago (2 children)

The FuseFS thing; yeah It was crazy to me because I must abandon the metaphor by saying...

MacOS IS Unix AND Linux is really just trying its damndest to BE Unix

Both MacOS and Unix are POSIX.... while Windows requires either WSL OR if you are old school cygwin to achieve POSIX compatibility

So to a degree they are the similar...

but like finding a dick on the internet you are always reminded by MacOS that Unix != Linux :) (I love Linux all the same)

[–] 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (4 children)

Mac OS version of Fuse is a commercial software. That said there are other alternatives.

I use Samba over my LAN and ZeroTier to create a sort of VPN Samba on MacOS is a bit slow (heads up) I have not yet figured that issue out but this setup worked for me for a number of years. (and manages to handle my time machine backups over LAN)

Any more since most of my remote access needs fall under development I user Visual Studio Code and their Remote connections system (which is pretty fucking good and "only" requires an SSH connection... and a decent amount of RAM on the remote host)

There are a lot of things to beat up an MacOS over... but honestly getting more technical windows users to from Windows to Mac WILL help Linux adoption. Getting into the underpants of MacOS is very similar to linux (you just don't HAVE to have fun unless you want to)

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

Yeah it is awful for intermittent printing; you will not get as many prints as you expect but it WILL still print (after you run a couple of maintenance cycles to flush out the dry ink)

[–] 8 points 1 day ago (1 children)

it was Louis Rossman and recently was within the past month; That said its currently being discussed

I don't really like Louis Rossman much but most of his critiques of companies not treating consumers correctly are typically correct

Personally speaking though removing old firmware from site and adding a genuine cartridge check are the first steps you would take to begin limiting users.

EcoTank I like because Epson can literally NOT confirm if the ink is genuine or not (if you REALLY were determined you could even get Magenta into the Cyan tank and it would still squirt ink out... although incorrectly of course)

[–] 6 points 1 day ago (5 children)

The printer I am liking right now isn't laser but comes out to be about the same cost to print as laser.

It's the Epson EcoTank. The print quality is pretty good for things where a laser printer is the wrong tool and the refills are relatively reasonable.... and Shaq promotes it!

[–] 8 points 1 day ago (5 children)

Brother has pulled some shit recently....

[–] 13 points 2 days ago

16.66 for min wage but all the jobs are part-time with no scheduling sanity so holding two jobs is difficult to impossible. Anyone realizing this isn’t an accident?

[–] 1 points 2 days ago

Chuck will lead the way

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I wonder how an article in a medical journal "Treating overdose without blowing a patient's sweet high" would go.

I am on board with ensuring doses don't cause unnecessary discomfort... but dead from OD vs withdraw is a pretty clear choice

The goal in nasal administered drugs is to make it easy enough a moron with minimal training can be useful (I am a moron with minimal medical training)

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Great advice, the site covers this.

Just to note that injections bring their own risks and require additional training.

Nasal Nalaxone doses are much higher to make them easier to administer and to ensure the Nalxone can make it though the mucus membrane.

If you give Nalaxone / Narcan to an experienced opioid user (someone with chemical dependency) Be ready to run as they could come out of it VERY mad. They are going to miserable, sick and until the Nalaxone is gone not going to be able to relieve their symptoms.

[–] 118 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Just some fun basic math for everyone...

$96 million / 1000 (workers) = $96,000

The only real hoop you have to jump through is to go through the online training course which takes about 30 minutes and is all about administration of the drug

I received my package today and feel it's important to have around with the current rise in opioid overdoses.

Their kit does not include CPR masks so I recommend purchasing some to keep with your doses. (Won't share a link due to Amazon boycott)

I would've bought some ages ago if I lived in a bigger city.

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