It sucks because it used be a pretty solid show until he started bringing in all those alt right grifters.
In theory. But not in our lifetimes
Well, besides him I was alive for Reagan, Bush Sr, Clinton, Bush jr, Trump and Biden. Clinton had an easy presidency and yet did nothing to undo the damage caused by Reagan and Bindens brain turned to mush before our eyes. And the republican were well, Republicans
They don't. But tesla does
Yeah, I get thatnis part of the problem. But I am addicted. I was able to quit drinking I quit pills with little problem. But this is something i seem un able to beat
I dont have kids. But i imagine my hypothetical son would be better off if there was a community he could talk to. But as it stands you can't even get support of you where, say, sexually assaulted.
With no real alternatives suggested.
That sounds like continuing to ignore these issues.
Hell, you even admit being shit is the default for men.
Him being mid core makes him the best president in my life time
It's not hard to be better then the Republicans
Well, some of them at least. Everyone else runs their shows at a loss.
Fighters and fans are pretty diverse. Fighting is the purest sport