This is partof the point
I would support a petition for the UN to maintain control of that market. 1 it would give the UN an more active role and give it a means of funding itself 2 it would prevent multiple companies from rushing to install their cluster of sats keeping the sky as free of debris as possible
Just initial idea...
And this is the sad reality of Dev will suffer over executive decisions good or bad. Despite the fact that the industry has responded over and over again, just make good games and the gamers will play. But also sadly make bad games and gamers support that too soooo?
Well they aren't cheering for the employees who are laid off. It's more like the Luigi killing of the murderer uhc exec. The people weren't happy the exec was dead but that the protection they felt as a CEO was broken. Same with Ubisoft they have been behaving badly for so long., EA as well, the gamers just want change for the better and layoffs signal that change
I dont understand the hate other than cosner was the guy to hate in that era.
The difference being several, one hong Kong is inside of China with its territorial boundaries being only legal and social. Two hong kong actually believed the laws and structure they put in place would hold while Taiwan is under no such illusion
Ive gotten the family off of cable, i went back to pirate seas and run a plex server (mainly due to getting tired of hunting down streams for old kung fu movies) but neflix and Hulu are on the chopping block for 2025
Very much in favor of the mag induction charging! That should be a standard for wall plugs as well
Hmmm, so on one hand, is working at McDonald's as bad prison jobs? Or the irony of not being hired post release at McDonald's even though possibly 5 - 10 yrs of experience
One concede counselor, on one stipulation that point 3 be moved to point 1
As someone who watches more law n order than he should
Dr who The 11 hour
Having been told about Dr who, and having seen a fee episodes prior. This one encapsulated the entire series for me and explained all of the why's I had with previous doctors and previous companions
To have river song start with the 10th doctor and carry on just allowed me to inhabit any episode past or present.
Now as a whovien I will cheat and say part one and two of the pandorica was a fantastic episode.
With honorable mentions to the Christmas special with all three doctors
Lets not just talk boycotts, break the monopolies. Share info on where to buy local