I am moving out of Texas. Our house goes on the market in a couple of weeks and once it's sold we'll be heading to New England.
You should read the NOFX autobiography, the open line is...
The first time I drank piss was on a fire escape overlooking downtown Los Angeles.
I replaced all of mine with nest ones a few years ago. Every time one would chirp my son would have a full on meltdown. It was ridiculously expensive, but worth it no more 3 am meltdowns.
A'd blame it on auto-correct, like, but a think it was just me proper dodgy spellin'! - my horrible attempt at a Geordie accent
Stole those from my sisters all the time to be Geordie
My wife and daughter call her su or more commonly su-su
If she's in trouble then it's Sushi Maki Roll <Our last name>
I call her Stink Butt because she takes the smelliest poops I've ever had the displeasure of smelling and then doesn't bury them in the litter.
Thanks and no. But funny enough my wife is a huge Shakespeare nerd. Like takes a beach vacation and just reads Shakespeare in a lounger to relax nerd. So it's fitting.
Sabrina the Teenager Witch - the one from the 90s. It's super corny but my daughter loves it, so we watch an episode or two after dinner.
Today is my 17th wedding anniversary
Pulverized and set adrift as an interstellar cloud
I feel for these guys. I'm sure most of them joined this league as a last attempt to make it in the NFL. Sadly the owners know that and will exploit the shit out of them for it. It's the same stuff you see in minor league baseball.
Low pay means most players need an off-season job. Of course it would have to be a job that allows them to take 3-4 months off a year. Plus they have travel expenses. And not to mention putting their bodies on the line for this shot. It's not like college ball where at least they are getting an education. These guys are putting their lively hood on the line for $50,000. They deserve better assurances.
I tried to stick out as long as I could, but we really have no choice anymore. I have a child with special needs and it's been a struggle to get him the services he is legally entitled to. Now without the Dept of Education things are only going to get worse.
I wish you well and hope you can get out soon.