The board is filled with family and close friends. They'll protect him as long as possible.
Depends on the judge. There are corrupt ones.
The most easily identified by whether they support the current administration in any way.
Of course they do, but the issue is that too much of Trump's control over their base is from his cult of personality (somehow), not the plan itself. They don't know how to replace that. Yet.
If you're actually referencing the National Guard, the actual modern militia, then great. But given the way you described it, and that this is a random internet community filled with edge lords, that's unlikely.
You can disagree and LARP it up in the fields all you want, just like those dip shit sovereign citizens and their magical incantations they think make them right.
You're actively watching fascism take over the country in front of you and not doing shit about it because you know you don't actually stand a chance. Your Meal Team 6 buddies ain't accomplishing anything but dying immediately if the military actually gets involved.
I know you're not going to read this, because you chicken shits always post and then hide as if you've somehow won the conversation. But you are right, except they don't mean you either.
In case you've never actually read the Amendment in its entirety, I'll put it here for your convenience. It's just one sentence, yet the first half is inconvenient for a lot of people so they try to ignore it...
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed."
The entire thing is in reference to a "well regulated militia". It's not saying every dumbass has a right to a firearm. Something 2A dipshits keep wanting to ignore despite it being half the Amendment.
It also predates the existence of the US military entirely, which should be taken into account since the creation of the US military replaced the need for a well regulated militia.
They're fragile because they are scared and realizing that they aren't actually the majority. They want to use the draconian terrorism statutes that are legally dubious to start, against regular protests to justify their shitty minority rules position.
They've also completely stop using the self-driving after some scary swerves
A reminder here since people get the two confused all the time, and don't understand just how little Autopilot does. Full Self Driving and Autopilot are and always have been different things. They do not use the same software stack. Autopilot hasnt really been updated since FSD started being tested outside Tesla employees, so 5+ years now. 95%+ of Tesla vehicles do not have FSD, but nearly all of them have Autopilot.
Autopilot is just Traffic Aware Cruise Control and Automatic Lane Keeping. AP is not smart, and never has been, it does not make driving decisions, it just tries to keep you in the lines and a minimum distance from cars in front of you at a set speed. There are a shit ton of vehicles on the road that do this now, spanning all the way from luxury brands down to a plain old Honda, and they have for years.
If you never bought products from a company run by an insufferable moron, you would be forced to buy directly from your neighbors for everything in your life. And even then there's always an insufferable moron nearby.
They kept telling people to wake up, so people did. Now they want them to go back to sleep so they can go back to doing their shitty things without being seen.
Many Americans live in apartments or condos with minimal to no personal outdoor space, and almost surely a ban on "farm" animals.
Both sides can be bad. There doesn't have to be a good side in conflicts.
Complaint? That should be a full lawsuit. Open AI is already aware their product hallucinates information.
Negligence at least, if not full defamation.