Seconding this. A lot of the flavors have food dyes but you can also find stevia and more “natural” colored flavors at aldis and other stores, as well!
Others have mentioned it but I want to double down! I was addicted to soda from 13-25 and I have lost a lot of teeth because of it. Sodastream helped me kick it. It’s much cheaper to maintain and using less acidic waters since you can just use your tap water (or whatever water you want) and has zero sugar. I buy liquid water flavors from Aldi that use stevia for sweetening. 100% the bubbles and they can taste a lot more than the la croix stuff. Put in as much or little flavor as you want. Combine dark cherry and vanilla for a pretty good cola taste too. Zero calories, no gunk on teeth, cost about $22 USD to maintain carbonation of the sodastream and I drink like 2-5 liters of the stuff a day. Good luck! Sugar is one of the hardest addictions out there and big cola makes sure the alternatives are expensive or taste bad. You can do this! The effects of that acidic soda and water on your body overtime does nothing but DAMAGE. love yourself!
No matter what you find works for you, I recommend building muscle memory with light weights. Don’t go hard immediately and expect great form. Figure out the motion and get used to it with lighter weights. That, and don’t worry what others think as you figure it out! I’ve seen the buffest people do the weirdest shit with bad form…nobody cares! People stare cause there’s nothing else to do or look at. Asking for help to a nice person one day is a good idea too. I can empathize, gyms can be intimidating. Good luck! It sounds to me like you know what to do deep down
I will go even ONE step further than others - if you are scared to start a software like Truenas scale that has a GUI has helped me. A lot of the options offered by others are great but can require a lot of command line stuff. There are a few OS’s out there that are more point and click that I had a lot of success with. Truenas scale runs the docker containers that others are recommending.
I tried stevia in certain forms and discovered that many companies use nasty fillers. Do your best to notice and avoid. It takes a lot of searching to find the right sweetener/brand of choice but I’ve noticed they can vary wildly in taste. If you get burnt by one, try a totally different brand or two before swearing it off (annoying but worth it in the long run once one hits right)