Israel's genocidal ambitions were always there. Knowing the absolute control over US rulership and their ability to maintain genocide support through advances in mind control was not known in 2010.
Biden made some meek complaints about 2000lb bombs being used in dense urban environment. Israel had to put up with a couple of weeks delay on more of them. They signed contract in 2010. Maybe DNC could have chosen Bernie instead of HRC (just kidding).
The foresight that using F35s for genocide could make some future US politician uppity.
Every flight requires inputting a password from Lockheed to use their electronic systems mentioned in article.
and it has ultra poor flight time such that maintenance, and part replacements, are ultra frequent. Wouldn't surprise me if 3 flights is a maximum without Lockheed consultant required word.
AI is a big help here. Including at current tech level. But why bother the expense or judicially-complaining process of arresting them, if you can arrange their next Amazon electronics order to explode?
Climate change can also contribute to instability and conflict when water and food shortages trigger increasing competition for resources, internal and cross-border tensions, or mass migrations.
Well summarized. The question is does the civilian/political leadership like having these problems, in that it is an opportunity for more wars, and leveraging the political division over immigration?
While damage to military bases/ports matters, damage to everyone else, should matter more.
IMO, it's 50/50 if world can win the trade war US is setting on them. Extreme cowardice from world leading up to April 2, but people are boycotting US products, and shifting military procurement. Even if they limit counter tariffs, US sales should dive, and US will face higher prices. The 50/50 part is whether manufacturing moves out of US as a response. US automakers making wrong decision on Canada for instance is a fairly large market that would see them face same fate as Tesla. Boeing is sure to dive.
US generating hate is sure to make its economy contract. Just a matter of how much.
only clue that this is satire
Meanwhile, Tesla's stock surged 17% on news that Musk had threatened to send all arsonists to Mars as "unwitting beta testers for our oxygen deprivation experiments."
Tesla's stock did not go up 17%.
article does say Ford "is keeping electricity export tax on the table". Everyone cowering to Trump seems to be the tactic for now for whole world. April 2 reaction is the important time to see if they stand up.
I’m really curious what happened during Ford’s meeting with Lutnick.
There was article detailing that posted here. It was extremely embarassing. Good cop Lutnick making sweet nothing promises that bad cop Trump is not bound to. Ford looking naive for praising it, but again, reaction april 2 all that matters.
Russia likes the new guy in America
US empire hatred of Russia is not changed. Russia can meet its objectives in Ukraine without Trump speeding it up, in exchange for not defending Iran for Israel's benefit, or getting free nuclear power stations it controls. China is already on a delete America program. US isolating itself into being useless to the world, makes resetting it and all of the fools who support its debt, a path for a new global marshall plan led by China. North Korea is the one who can help the cheapest. Again, car or container sized works too.
Canada is increasing divisiveness with US enemies list. Bold strategy, Cotton.
Third, debt load won’t mean very much if they have the kind of political will that would produce.
The US is a bank masquerading as a country. Bond vigilantes are real, and crediblity for more debt weak.
killing thousands of civilians with a first strike would make us the bad guy.
Permean or other oil basins would kill little while destroying US energy sector. Question is whether it is true that "we will never become 51st state". Maybe that means we accept the total economic destruction of our country, and all demaning subjugation short of accepting territorial rule. Instead it could mean that all defense of our sovereignty is pursued, instead of gaslighting temporary resistance like Chuck Schumer.
social media disinformation making smears in favour of warmongering is quite new, but extreme statism if not paid agents. The high divisiveness is part of the mind control techniques that are making most of the audience internalize evil. Those were not of certain effectiveness in 2010.