
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 hour ago (1 children)

You can always start playing the same cat and mouse game of giving random names to all the censored terms just like the Chinese do on their chat platforms.

Or not. I'm just a message in a forum.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 hour ago

I reckon flights to the US will soon duplicate on cost just thanks to all the extra insurance costs due to the likelihood of having to pay a unscheduled return. Unless the US gov is paying for that. In which case it would be an interesting expense to explain.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 hours ago

Rest of the civilized world doesn't execute.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 hours ago

This...seems more focused on WIn7 look-like for the start menu. I guess a reminiscent of the Win7 to Win8 move? But I meant the taskbar, where the active applications minimize to. Windows likes to group the tasks together in a bundle, with a massive bulky button. I like to have smaller icons but ungrouped tasks, so I can see each one individually without having to click bundles to find an individual window. Does Open-Shell-Menu do this, too?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 10 hours ago (2 children)

Thanks. I use KDE plasma on everything personal. But this is my work laptop. I hope that one works...I saw it might trigger some AV alerts.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 11 hours ago (1 children)

Thanks for the very detailed guide. Would you advice to have such a large swapfile? If I remember correctly, the old advice was to have double the storage in swap than in RAM. But after 4 or 8GB of RAM or so, this is no longer needed and just a generic amount of swap is kinda needed.

I'm moving now my swapfile to the nvme. I might put it in /var indeed. Thanks!


Hi guys! I’ve been pushed on my work machine to use Windows 11. I’m not loving too much the taskbar, which won’t allow to have 2 rows of windows, and the single row of tasks gets a ‘…’ button as soon as it’s getting a bit crowded. This makes it very difficult to find your app. I don’t want to combine tasks, and I’d very much prefer to have two rows of tasks. Is there any trusted (FOSS) way of doing this? Seems there’s no easy registry key to just enable it these days.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 12 hours ago (1 children)

Yeah, it's KDE, but I wouldn't want to move away from it.


Hi guys!

I have what I'd consider a beefy gaming PC. AMD 7700 CPU, 32GB RAM, 7800XT 16GB, NVMe 1TB for OS, mSATA SSD 2TB for storage/games.

So...whenever I get a while using the computer, with a bunch of windows open, say firefox taking 4GB of RAM, total for everything a bit over 16GB...I'm prone to get a whole system slowdown/freeze, which can take a few full minutes until it settles. I can see the storage red led on the whole time without blinking, so it really looks like swapping.

However sometimes I don't see movements in the system process viewer, in usage from RAM/swap, I'd imagine those graphs would change if the data in swap has changed.

Swapping is set in the mSATA, taking 8GB, so I reckon that migth not be the fastest. Still, that's an SSD. I'm not sure how can I check/troubleshoot whatever is tanking my computer performance?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

I'm not sure wtf did I just watch but I fucking loved it.

[–] [email protected] 136 points 1 day ago (15 children)

Didn't he just say he had no regrets about voting him in?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

Thanks for specifying. You are correct, and that is exactly the CPU I have in my SFF, too.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago (2 children)

My server is an HP Small Form Factor Corei5 32GB RAM that I bought on a second hand shop. The thing I paid attention the most was the i5's gen, as some older ones don't include h265 transcoding acceleration, or sometimes h264. This is rather important for Jellyfin. ANything else, just go with it and try!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago (1 children)

My information is a bit limited. From my own personal experience, there seem to be quite a bunch of Chinese made dashcam-intercom devices, which seem to be based off of the same SOC, which seems to be pretty dated.

As much as I don't like this guy, he makes a decent summary here. And yeah, these comments apply to motorbike dashcams, too, because it's also the same damn power-on sound and folder structure mentioned in the video, always. It's just, for motorbike ones, on the same battery there's a second independent circuit hooked for bluetooth/intercom functions. Other than that, it seems to be the same as for cars. i'd like to see some review/analysis about all of these, to see if any of them is truly different/better.

For what's worth, I've been using Freedconn ones on different series (R1, R1-plus, R3). The latest one, R3, claims to record at 4K, and the image is a bit sharper, but I'm not sure if the sensor is really 4K-worth of sharpness. At least it's clear enough to view acceptably the license plates in night conditions, for which the R1 series were not (maybe okayish in well lit city areas, definitely not on the road). I've been buying these because I'm happy with the bluetooth/intercomm, and wanted to change only one at a time, while keeping compatibility with my gf's one without having to replace both at once. I'd still be happy to check something else if it was better clearer picture, specially in the night.


Hi guys!

I'm looking for a Proton alternative. So far I've seen these two recommended. I was wondering what are the pros/cons of each? Seems Tutanota offers more bang for the buck in mailbox size etc, but I'm not sure. I'd also like to have a better integration with Android, because Proton's email/calendar apps suck big time.



Hi guys! I've been trying to get ahold of a copy of this amazing French TV series, with proper subtitles. I've tried through...wearing a patch methods, and I'd be happy to purchase it physical on blueray, too. But the problem is...Seems the subtitles are a bit of a shoddy work. The English subtitles are missing the parts of English dialogue (so whenever any character switches to English, the subtitles disappear), and some other translation (to Spanish, for example) are missing complete parts of dialogue, in when characters talk Arab mostly.

So my question would there anywhere I could check with the full subtitles in English/Spanish (perhaps also Italian/Portuguese), for ALL dialogues regardless the language spoken?


Hi guys!

I have some subtitles in French, which I'd like to batch-translate. Surely I could use gtranslate or similar, but the end result is usually...crappy, always losing context from sentence to sentence, making the overall result garbage. I was wondering if an AI such as GPT4All could handle context in the conversations better, and give a possibly better output. But I'm not sure how to make it batch process a bunch of files and output new ones. Would you guys know a suitable AI that could do this?



Hi guys! I've tried quite a few months back Fooocus for AI image generation, and while it kinda worked well, it tended to have trouble figuring more than one person on the drawing (ie, man and woman dancing my end up with any combination of men/men, woman/woman, or just a random group dance etc). Moreover, I just found out that this project is just in maintenance mode.

So...What's the cool software for AI generation/Stable diffusion etc? Preferably AMD compatible, as I have a 7800XT.



Hi guys! I'm considering purchasing a Xiaomi air purifier 4 (possibly). I wanted to make sure I can use from the Home Assitant app, while the router's firewall blocks its online connectivity outside the home network. Do the xiaomi devices connected in HA need online connectivity in order to continue to work?

Also...many of their wristbands series for example need at least to connect once in order to get an auth token that you can then use on gadgetbridge. Do you need any kind of shenanigans to get the purifiers to work on HA?


Hi guys! I was wondering whatever solution you guys might use to check/update your servers/containers? I'd like not having to depend on any cloud, something running locally would be great.



So...yeah. As I'm moving away from google, I'd like to store my contacts elsewhere. I have proton (I know, I know), but this is also not great, since their system isn't too android-friendly. Which system (maybe self-hosted) would you suggest to easily sync/backup your contacts?



Hi guys! I'm trying to check Molly-Foss as alternative to Signal. I installed it from its F-Droid repo. When I tap to turn on database encryption, I am prompted for the passphrase. After I set just closes/crashes. Opening the app again, i'm back to the option to turn it on and set a password. What should I do?


Hi guys!

I'm trying to re-compress a few TV shows that are mostly animation to some animation-friendly codec (HEVC 10bit, maybe even AV1), to reduce the storage it takes on the NAS (I'm looking at you, One Piece/Simpsons!). I've used handbrake with full folders to handle whole seasons of a TV show before, but that was a bit frustrating to run on my desktop PC, hence the install of Tdarr. However it's a bit...overwhelming with all the options, without quite hinting what each one does. I'm adding a...library. Ok, what's the library? Is it say, an -arr full TV Shows library? Or should I add one library per TV show (custom specific settings for each one?). How do I work...with the transcode options? I see it's all drag-drop, but I'm not sure of all these options.

I'd like to transcode to say, HEVC 10bit, reduce perhaps audio with Opus or AAC, and keep same tracks and subs. How would I go about this?


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