I’m curious, does Tesla have its own financing division that gives out these loans?
Iron Man should have had a nemesis called Lead Man.
I’m wondering about the original source of this picture. Those man buns are certainly… manly?
(I’m talking about the hair here.)
Did pasta exist in Jesus’ time? I don’t think they mention it much in the Bible.
Probably better not to go in the first place.
And while we’re at it, why don’t people in China have the freedom to speak out against their government and not have censorship? Maybe if they all just got together in a big public square and really protested, I bet that would end really well.
Should start with himself?
But the corporations that donate to the party don’t want this.
Vampire cat would disintegrate trying to sleep in that ray of sunlight coming in from the opened curtains.
Is that Jean Luc Picard in a three piece suit?
George Washington et al “fought to protect” pretty early on. A hundred years before France was bringing out the guillotines. So in that sense, the US has the antiquated system, which never really adapted.
“We are not robbers.”
“Ok, you can rub them.”