actually there's this new thing they just came up with called 'bad dreams'. it's literally bad times, in dreams!
nobody, i'd guess. everyone just vibecodes their own personal shovelware. if theres any bugs, they just make some new slop and hope it's less buggy than the old slop.
prussia? i thought she was a proud polish girl from toronto. did she lie to me? T_T
tired? experts suggest going to sleep.
if they already have a local central heating system (extremely cool, never heard of that before), then why the heck not?
girl inbred
it's a plant, but rather than photosynthesizing, it is what's called a mycoheterotroph, which means it gets its nutrients by siphoning stuff from fungal networks in the soil, so, sorta?
wow, there are some really steaming takes on anarchism in the comments here.
one time, i went to a lgbtq trivia night at my college. everyone was on teams of 4 or 5, but most of my group had to leave suddenly at the beginning. it was suddenly just myself and the token straight who knew approximately fuck all. anyways, i led my team to a landslide victory anyways.
clown orgy