
joined 7 months ago
[–] kahdbrixk@feddit.org 4 points 2 days ago (1 children)

We've had these protests in Germany as well since two years now, didn't really change the rise of the far right, according to the recent elections. I don't know if protesting is a viable action against right extremism that rises particularly well via manipulation and propaganda on social media.

There's this disconnect between the real world including protests in the streets and the secret personal and online world including elections. Representation is questionable in both scenarios, and the online world is just so much more effective. And it's always happening, continuously 24/7. Protests are hard to organize, happen only occasionally and they are gone once everyone is at home.

Just thinking out loud.

[–] kahdbrixk@feddit.org 15 points 6 days ago (1 children)

My thoughts exactly. And how I love this complete dismissal style with the "False." at the beginning, that has established itself online. it's a perfect giveaway for " now my personal but universal opinion, also called Truth bomb, is going to destroy your statement" - which in my opinion is just extremely patronizing and never really true.

Especially when comparing your personal anecdotal experience with a fucking statistic.

Oh and nobody talks like that in real life, or at least the people that do start their verbal line of argument this way are idiots and everybody knows it.

[–] kahdbrixk@feddit.org 2 points 1 week ago

Yeah probably as always only a matter of perspective. Don't listen to other men, just do what feels right for yourself.

I took a solid 9 months paternity leave with my son, and I think we just built the best base for a father son relationship I could ever imagine or hope to have. I know they don't seem like it as a baby, but you are building your foundation already.

This was 3 years ago and I still feel the outcome of it every day.

Go for it , be yourself, don't listen to others.

[–] kahdbrixk@feddit.org 3 points 1 week ago

Don't be so sure that these lies, or "this style of politics" is only enabling the downfall in the US. The Internet is breaching the barrier of what once was the big pond separating us from the US.

It's already used in modern politics around the world as justification for similar topics. Some people even demand "DOGE-like" actions against bureaucracy in countries of the EU. Be a little more like Musk.

Shit's staining.

[–] kahdbrixk@feddit.org 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Wow. My brain hurts alone from the "melting pot is assimilation" analogy, and I don't know if she should be that sure about Christian nationalism being the leading culture of America. The founding fathers might disagree slightly... And there is no European culture. Europe is the definition of a melting pot, and assimilation is definitely not part of it ^^

[–] kahdbrixk@feddit.org 7 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)
[–] kahdbrixk@feddit.org 11 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Is this live footage from political rallies in East Germany?

[–] kahdbrixk@feddit.org 18 points 2 weeks ago

This all has to be part of the flooding the zone tactics. RFK jr. probably doesn't even know that he got chosen for this position because everyone knew he'd fuck stuff up and make news like that - and draw focus on things that are irrelevant to people like Trump.

What a time to be alive

[–] kahdbrixk@feddit.org 4 points 3 weeks ago

This will be really tedious and probably really dangerous in the next months and years to come, but consensus and Europe is something that is happening very rarely.

One can only hope that the American behavior of the past weeks will change that, but since we cherish our national, regional and local diversity so much I don't have much hope. It's not all bad, don't get me wrong, but in times if conflict it gets in the way more often then not.

[–] kahdbrixk@feddit.org 11 points 1 month ago

Also ich find es immer spannend zu lesen! Genau so, wie es ist, bekomme da viele Eindrücke, wie es bei anderen so läuft. Da ich selbst nicht Zuhause anbauen kann zur Zeit, gibt's natürlich von meiner Seite außer dem Daumen nach oben nicht viel zu kommentieren.

Und mit Highlights wie "Yogurette mit Senf" machst du ja allgemein in der Community viel guten Content ^^

Also schau einfach, ob du Interesse findest, es weiter zu machen, und dann nur in dem Umfang, der für dich passt. Posten wirst du ja sowieso, warum nicht dann auch zu diesem schönen Hobby?

[–] kahdbrixk@feddit.org 9 points 1 month ago

"The outlet (Newsmax) also warned that a future administration could target conservative media in a similar fashion."

Yeah hardly doubt that. The one weakness of all Democrats is abiding laws ^^ the US wouldn't be where they are now, if Democrats actually took a stand for democracy.

[–] kahdbrixk@feddit.org 3 points 1 month ago

Yeah I think there is a lot of harm coming from that none-altruistic sentiment of having to "deserve" anything good in this world.

Just like the "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" or how the saying goes and of course the capitalist propaganda myth of the "dishwasher to millionaire" thing.

It all links the basic need of money in our society (=to be able to exist) to personal effort, and as we judge ourselves very harshly by that standard, we are even worse to others. Especially because we never see their full picture, only pieces of the puzzle they call "life", and we fill it up with the worst projections because that's just what we presume: the other people made this or that because they are dumb or evil - the first thought I observe in conservative or extreme right minds in my vicinity. And maybe more people in any political spectrum, don't know.

And maybe that is telling a lot about myself as well, maybe I project all that onto the society I observe.

But either way, without altruism we will never reach that Star Trek life without money and with so much unity ^^

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