My thoughts exactly. And how I love this complete dismissal style with the "False." at the beginning, that has established itself online. it's a perfect giveaway for " now my personal but universal opinion, also called Truth bomb, is going to destroy your statement" - which in my opinion is just extremely patronizing and never really true.
Especially when comparing your personal anecdotal experience with a fucking statistic.
Oh and nobody talks like that in real life, or at least the people that do start their verbal line of argument this way are idiots and everybody knows it.
We've had these protests in Germany as well since two years now, didn't really change the rise of the far right, according to the recent elections. I don't know if protesting is a viable action against right extremism that rises particularly well via manipulation and propaganda on social media.
There's this disconnect between the real world including protests in the streets and the secret personal and online world including elections. Representation is questionable in both scenarios, and the online world is just so much more effective. And it's always happening, continuously 24/7. Protests are hard to organize, happen only occasionally and they are gone once everyone is at home.
Just thinking out loud.