I saw that video a while back. The guy said it would not cost over $5,000.00 in a worst case scenario but most likely a lot less. He won't know for sure until I expose the foundation so he can make a more educated guess.
I have an old stone foundation and recently discovered that, at some point, the mortar holding it all together turns to dust. I have to tear down all basement walls to expose the foundation so a guy can come in and do "repointing" (scraping away the old dusty mortar and reapplying with new mortar). FML.
I'm not joking and I am not a troll. I'm a billy goat, and I'm gruff. You shouldn't call people names or attach attributes to them, worry about your own stance. There are lots of good citizen actions one can take but there is nothing wrong with getting angry when it is warranted. Sometimes a good "Fuck you" goes way further than cold calling organizations for donations, etc. There are enough people dong that already and we are still travelling a downward path. Maybe God will save us. Maybe the government will save us. Maybe you?
What is he supposed to do? At least he is letting the world know what he thinks. That's something. Someone once told me that if you aren't pissed off then you are not paying close attention. I don't know about that. I prefer to be in good humour but sometimes I shake my head in anger and helplessness, so I can empathize.
Not everything.