Given that Musk seems hell-bent on becoming the villain from every piece of science fiction ever, I kind of expect him to keep fire departments around but have them start fires. - the online-est of tech rags
Official community for - the online-est of tech rags. Where satire meets silicon and the truth isn't binary.
Very handy for book burnings.
Literally Fahrenheit 451
keep fire departments around but have them start fires.
Ah, so it's the 1930s again.
I'm still shocked at how america is being taken apart and taken down by a white supremacist south african. Maybe their power wasn't so super after all.
I'm sorry, the preferred nomenclature is 'African-Amercan'
Yes—say and do things that are going to make you more unpopular.
only clue that this is satire
Meanwhile, Tesla's stock surged 17% on news that Musk had threatened to send all arsonists to Mars as "unwitting beta testers for our oxygen deprivation experiments."
Tesla's stock did not go up 17%.
I think I just ate the onion.
I definitely did on this one and it's a good reminder that I'm amplifying my echo chamber by getting lazy and only looking at headlines.
Oh man, he's going to pull a Crassus. I hope he ends the exact same way too, nothing would be more fitting.
Elon just wants to get back to the traditional roots of firefighting.
Private companies standing around and watching buildings burn, until the owner comes out and pays them.
Was he on drugs when he posted? It’s a pretty bizarre read.
I don't know if it's drugs or trying to be funny or both
Weird thing to want when people are setting your businesses on fire.
Godamn this is borderline believable.
The same fire department preventing his shitty cars from burning down entire cities?
Aren’t the fire departments the one “saving” his burning show rooms? I mean if you wanna let them all burn down without being stopped by all means 👐🏼