WhY iS eVeRyBoDy AlWaYs PiCkIn' On Me??
joined 7 months ago
Are you thure it wathn't your tongue?
Tom Mulcair would have been a god (lead pipe cinch right now), but they failed themselves.
It's 'Flair' airlines for those who'd like to save time and skip the vid.
"Respectful" and "Tariffs" are proof of Dunning-Kruger on the GOP's part.
It's in a filing cabinet in a folder labelled "stick it to the man" in the Governor's office.
Just file an FOI in RED pen at a 47.2 degree angle, and Bob's yer uncle!
It's 100% driver skill issue.
The cybertruck not only complements the amusement, but it results in a lack of empathy from the viewer, bc schaedenfraude.
Indeed. Left nothing to the imagination. Would check out again. 10/10
That would require empathy, and President Musk has declared it a WMD.
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Mr. Special K