Yes, me too. This only seems to be a problem across the pond.
This is how it works in all of Europe
The amount of confidence some uneducated people have is impressive.
Dude, only you guys can inject race when there's absolutely no reason to. I'd say that's your second biggest problem. Right after dead children.
Holy shit people here have no chill. This is hilarious
You seem to be the only one who didn't understand but I'll happily explain. America has a big problem with their gun culture.
I mean it's part of the culture, innit?
They went from a great tech shop where engineering excellence was the main driver to a strictly ad business the moment MBAs took over. Story as old as SV capitalism. They did the same to Boeing, HP and many others.
u ok buddy?
Did that too. Boy and girl, 13 and 11. My daughter said it was dumb. The son wouldn't even finish watching the trailer. He said it's cringe.
Why are you lying?
If you watched the video you'd know your comment is completely misplaced.