All that matters is the stereotypical drama to be entertained by ...instead of just living and "being". /S
Your not wrong. It is like a craft. You can't learn how to do it, it comes to a person at their own speed. If you try to force it, it result in what organized religion got, false followers and a soulless image to follow that is essentially fake.
Your steps sound good for you. There's no set steps because everyone's so unique with different learning styles.
Your anxieties are understandable. We are in a time where people are being forced to hold a role if they want to live a real life. When I say role i mean make history. It' we are living in a time where the history book is being written in real time. We got taught about certain characters of the past, but this is right now. Anyone right now can take their place in the history of America. It's almost like a business boom, like the internet boom. I think we are witnessing harsh reality. The anxiety felt is raw reality and we were taught such a privileged life we don't know how to deal with it.
The foundation Bernie stands on is the the same foundation of Donald Trump. People want someone standing on the earths dirt as their foundation so to speak, not Americas faulty foundation.
Yes Bernie is the better of the choices. But Americans should be making America better by their own hands, their own lives. Rebuild the foundation with our own hands even if that means sacrificing our lives for the future of American humanity. Continuing this American bullshit is like going to McDonald's instead of growing a garden and eating your own healthy food. Its like... You have the option to not eat at all and starve (trump), eat McDonald's (Bernie), or learn to grow your own garden and build a better foundation to build upon. We are currently starving. Some people are willing the say fuck it and choose McDonald's to save them selves. Others are willing to take a risk of life and death to learn to grow their own garden.
We don't want to be forced to eat something we don't like. We don't want to be forced the gmo option they offer us. We want to control our foundation.
Freedom is free, but freedom is war. Peace and unity is possible but at the cost of genocide because it's not possible to unify humanity. Either path someone's experiencing hell. The understanding of this is where spirituality comes from. Authentic spirituality... But spirituality is also manipulated and used... ...any way you look at it life will always be raw with a mix of good and evil and this is something people will literally kill to ignore.
They don't represent raw genuine humanity they represent the adulterated GMO manipulated version of a human being.
I see Bernie as a positive compared to America now, I've voted for him or written him in multiple times. But he is the system. A lot of people don't want the system we've known. The system that taught these people is faulty so everything it creates is faulted. We want to get past that fault that creates what is in America today. That fault is deeper then Bernie. Bernie's foundation is built on the same foundation that the fault is located.
In a strategic way... One wouldn't want to support Bernie because now at this point in time they know it would just be another bandaid fix covering up and hiding that fault in the foundation of American society. People don't want bandaid fixes anymore. We are closer to a point that the ultimate sacrifice, going to war, a civil war, makes more sense if the goal is to fix the faulted base that America's lifestyle and culture is built on.
Imagine if Elon used AI to run the policing and teaching in America. That's the new method. It's just the digital way to continue what America already does today. The old manual method was starting charities, creating businesses, lobbying and social manipulation. It's all the same shit. Both are fucked.
People want humanity that America's foundation does not live for and was not built for. So authentic people aren't flocking to talking heads of the tradition political system and media.
Unlearning? Remove the taught perspective of life and society. Reconnect with your own self, know your body. Remove pointless culture and consumerism from your life. Then things become more clear if you do not have things polluting your body and mind. Slowly you will reattach to honest humanity and notice the things marketed to you, products, lifestyles, etc, are not necessity and actually detach you from self and authentic humanity.
Man, any of that comedy central pop comedy stuff... Older movies too, Adam Sandler, Chris Farley... I don't get any of it and that stuff pretty much was my time. It's like people just acted really stupid... There was not any comedy to it, it's just feels sad.