
joined 2 years ago
[–] 32 points 17 hours ago* (last edited 17 hours ago) (3 children)

Wustite, ferrous oxide, is black. FeO.

Typical rust, usually found as hematite, is Fe2O3 and is red/brown. Also an iron oxide.

Magnetite is also another black iron oxide, Fe3O4.

There are quite a few other flavors of iron and oxygen too.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago

Interesting. I have more removals than that, I know.

Sigh. My biggotisims run deep and wide, unfortunately.

[–] 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (2 children)

Congrats! I have only managed a ban on most of the news and meme communities. I am too lazy to check if my bans were temporary or perm. (However, if someone happens to have the ml modlog open and can do a search for me, that would be neat...)

I think I almost got one of their mega news-posters crying, I think. It's been a bit, but I choose to remember it that way.

One day, we will all achieve your greatness comrade. 🫡⚒️

[–] 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Well, to shorten everything down, there are few original building blocks. "Original art" can absolutely be original but, at the end of the day, is usually made up of large blocks of existing stuff. How those blocks function as a whole could be considered the "original" bit when talking about my specific arguments.

I mentioned music because there really aren't many methods that haven't been discovered and used hundreds of times over. If I had a nickel for everytime I sketched out a four-to-the-floor drum variation, I would be a wealthy man. (Nearly every EDM/House/Techno beat uses something like it.) Chord progressions and transitions are best learned from the classics: Beethoven, Mozart, etc.. (Hip-hop/Pop artists are notorious for trying to sue each other over sample theft even though the samples are generally common musical phrases... Eesh.. That is a mess of a situation, btw.)

But. Original art made with original components can still be made. This is a big world, after all.

To clarify though: I do not support the theft of data for the use of training AI. Period. I also don't particularly care for AI art, personally.

[–] 2 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I actually agree with that. I don't actually appreciate AI generated stuff more than what we see on the surface. It's not highly complex and I never said it was.

(I was just arguing AI generated stuff can be a means to an end and still carries a hint of creativity as stated by the original prompt. It's a tool. Personally, I detest nearly all of these LLM parlor tricks. I think people who were giving counter points thought I was pro-AI stuff when I really am not.)

[–] 1 points 3 days ago

Cool. I just realized how many definitions there are for the word "creativity", so I posted a reply to another comment that explains which one I was using. It may help frame a response for you, it may not. This is just an attempt to keep the forks in this road to a minimum. ;)

[–] 2 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (1 children)

We are talking about a word with multiple definitions and it's getting philosophical now. Depending on where you look or what context you use, creativity is how you choose to define it. (I hate saying that here because, well, its philosophical and any back-and-forth rapidly becomes subjective. On the intertubes, that usually doesn't work out very well for discussion.) - Creativity is the ability to form novel and valuable ideas or works using one's imagination. - We may ask the same question not just of artworks but of any creative product, whether it be a new scientific theory, a technological invention, a philosophical breakthrough, or a novel solution to a mathematical or logical puzzle. (There is more to this regarding creative process, so feel free to read more.) - the ability to produce or develop original work, theories, techniques, or thoughts. A creative individual typically displays originality, imagination, and expressiveness.

A discussion about a definition is usually fruitless. I just have to cap this saying that I simply maintain that AI can be a tool for creating original art. (Art doesn't need to be a painting or a picture.) We, as creative humans, can create art with any tool we are given.

If you want to get philosophical, please do. I won't argue my point further that it still takes a human to provide creative input to get some kind of unique output.

[–] 2 points 3 days ago

Sorry if you couldn't see my points, but that is OK.

I'll go off and create some corporate logos then...

[–] 3 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (10 children)

Example: My picture of the Lemming.

I knew exactly what I wanted before I even typed in the prompt: My vision was for a nervous, burned-out lemming to be sitting on a log, hunched over a laptop smoking a cigarette with bloodshot eyes surrounded in crushed beer cans.

That is not creative? Saying I have no imagination or creativity is kinda rude and giving all my credit to AI is downright insulting. Sure, I didn't draw it and I absolutely do not have the ability to draw it. However, you cannot (reasonably) deny that the idea is mine. I'm not exactly the most creative person in the world, but damn.... (The image will show up under my username over at least two instances over the span of 1-2 years? It's mine, is my point.)

If you saw my edit, you should know exactly what I thought when you said "artistic process".

However, my underlying point about derivative process or technique was to shoot a hole in the arguments of "cobbled together bits from wherever" and why I specifically used music as an example. Drum lines are openly copied. Not derived: blatantly copied. It's considered a compliment in many cases, actually. Progressions and transitions are all just copies. You don't even need AI to "statistically generate" music patterns. With every chord I choose to start a progression, there are only X number of chords that will work correctly after it.

I believe there have been some projects to generate (within reason) every chord progression possible and every kind of melody that would fit it... statistically. Almost every bit of popular music you hear is a derivative or a copy or reused or whatever, is my point. How many times have you heard the "Amen break"? More times than you actually know, unless you know your music, then you do. Much of music is just, for lack of a better term, math.

Creativity is an idea or multiple ideas. It's anything that exceeds the sum of your existing knowledge. AI by itself isn't "creative" and it is impossible for AI to be creative, we both agree. Again, from my perspective, AI can be used as a tool to fill in the gaps between two different ideas. It's the assembly of different ideas or components that is important. The sum of the key bits.

In my CAD work, I use formulas and simulated physics to automatically generate connecting features or structures. Are the designs I create exempted from "art" because of that?

Putting creativity and art into a box and saying you must follow "creative process" or "artistic process" is just odd. You can think that way if you want, but it's very limiting. The artists I study make a habit of saying "fuck the rules, fuck the process and do what makes you feel good."

Just for lulz, I was wondering what another machine would think of my Lemming. It kinda got it, but kinda didn't. Statistically, it figured out the parts, but you should know darn well what my intent was:

[–] 15 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (15 children)

Just playing devil's advocate here. Let me lay out some counter points .. (it'll take me an edit or two to format this right, btw.)

  1. Instructing a machine to assemble bits in a specific way takes creativity. My prompt to AI is that creativity and without it, you can't even get much of a copy of anything. Even though AI is generally assembling stolen bits, the end result (ignoring copyright law) can be original.

  2. Music has been mostly "figured out" and many songs we have heard over your lifetime use many of the same exact chord progressions. I-V-vi-IV being one of the most common and used in the following songs:

Journey -- "Don't Stop Believing"

James Blunt -- "You're Beautiful"

Black Eyed Peas -- "Where Is the Love"

Alphaville -- "Forever Young"

Jason Mraz -- "I'm Yours"

Train -- "Hey Soul Sister"

The Calling -- "Wherever You Will Go"

Elton John -- "Can You Feel The Love Tonight" (from The Lion King)

  1. Musicians may use patterns or progressions from other songs. Painters may use the same colors and brushes designed by other artists. In both cases, techniques that have been known for thousands of years are being used in self-expression.

I assert that given the correct instructions, you can still give someone plenty to analyze, via prompt, that has enough detail to extract a deeper meaning:

FWIW, I am extremely fed up with this AI hype now. "AI" is just a tool, and that is it. I could go on for hours about this mess, but I am trying to make a valid point: Regardless of how you interpret copyright, art is just self-expression.

There are endless examples I could give about technique re-use when it comes to creating art with machines. From my perspective, a particular brush stroke might be the same as using a specific bit at a particular depth of cut on a CNC. The art theft for AI training is one aspect, for sure. The biggest issue I see is that many people don't understand how to create original art and the AI just spits out a copy of something it was trained on and something the user already saw.

Edit: After reading many of the other comments here, many people have a strange definition of "art". Yes, art can be about communication, it can be about sending a message, it can express a style of creativity or hundreds of other things.

Art is just.. art. It's something a person sketches, composes, speaks, signs or farts. You don't have to like it or agree with it. Hell, you don't even need to recognize something as art for it to be art. Art is just self-expression. It's a feeling that is converted into some kind of other medium that others might happen to see, feel or hear, smell, taste or a combination of all of those things.

As much as I hate to admit it, a banana taped to a wall is art. Someone eating said banana is also art. I think it's fucking stupid, but who am I to not call it someone's self-expression?

[–] 6 points 3 days ago

Medications must be taken with a full glass of wine.

[–] 2 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

TIL the origin of "git" as the name for git. (I have never heard it used as an actual insult until this video.)

git - a foolish, contemptible, or unpleasant person, especially a man


It's kinda useless for productivity or usability but I like it a ton. ;)


Weird "all" feed blanking bug. This is more likely to happen if the 20-30 thumbnails have not completed load.


This seems to be related to thumbnails that aren't fully loaded, but not always?

  1. When scrolling fast and preventing thumbnails from fully loading, I can get the feed to temporarily hang until it finishes loading loading some thumbnails.

  2. I will eventually hit a "feed limit" when scrolling through the feed to ~100 posts.

  3. Sometimes, slowly scrolling back up the feed to allow unloaded thumbnails to finish may "unblock" the feed for a bit, but not always. It may load one or two additional posts, and hang again.

There seem to be multiple conditions causing the feed to pause vs completely hang, and I can't nail those conditions down.

This issue has gotten much better since 219, but is still a bit quirky.


This is an odd problem to describe.

I can scroll through about 20 posts and then the feed will "hang". Once those 20 or so posts finish loading thumbnails, additional older posts will be loaded.

This is not as noticeable on fast connections, but causes significant lag on slow connects. There is no immediate indicator that Connect is still loading newer post data when you hit the end of the feed cache/buffer. (It feels like feeds have been split into "pages" and after 20 or so posts, there is a delay when hitting another "page".)

Thanks for attempting to read this shitty description of a problem. I tried.

Edit: The feed will actually get "stuck" sometimes. It's common for me on "all". I had 800mb in cache and just cleared it. It's got a little better for some reason. I can get close to 50-60 posts before the feed pauses or hangs.


I am going to edit this post and get some screenshots. (Done)

Note: Backing out of this post, after navigating to this post, via my profile, triggered the "blank feed" issue again. (See blank screenshot in comments.)

(Sorry for the issue replication testing in this post.)

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

A key point of many recovery programs is to separate yourself from your drinking buddies, which is probably the most difficult thing for anyone in any situation. It's something I still deal with in some ways: Drinking friends are extremely easy to find. Real friends absolutely do not show up everyday.

I was just thinking about some of the people this morning that I just don't have the need to associate with anymore. There are two that I still occasionally hang out with, but there was a deeper friendship besides booze from the start.

If you are having this problem now, it gets better over time, I promise. It may take a couple of years to learn life again, but you can heal. In retrospect, having much more time on my hands just made the initial loneliness much worse.

My friends changed but also the reasons to hangout with other people also changed. This took time for me to understand. What matters to me personally has slowly morphed over these last few years and that is reflected in who I choose to associate with.

My conclusion is that I absolutely underestimated the time recovery actually takes and how my views on things like friendship would shift. As my entire personality was based on alcohol, I have found that reevaluating past decisions or assumptions can be useful, if not paramount to moving forward. This, unfortunately, takes lots time and time is not a friend to anyone fresh into recovery.

(This was just another one of my random annual stopdrinking posts. If you needed to relate to this in some way, that is awesome. For me, self-reflection is important and I choose to make it public. If this post seems self-centered, that is because it is: It's just not unhealthy.)


Edit: This is a weird thread, and might be a one-off. Maybe I have one of those users blocked and it's hiding the rest of the thread? I dunno, and I'll check. // It doesn't appear that I have any of those users blocked.

After opening my profile history, I can open a thread in my profile view. Clicking into a reply comment takes me to my comment on the post.

I cannot see the full comment thread when I view the full posts history on a post and trying to actually get to new comments is like trying finding the exit at IKEA.

Basically, I can't navigate to a thread to reply, and I had an awesome snarky comment prepared, but forgot it trying to get there.

Navigation behavior is so strange, either I have developed pre-release Alzheimer's, or Connect is bugged. (I don't discount either scenario.)

Sorry, I got jokes today.


After a post is clicked, it seems that all thumbnails are forced to refresh. (Attached image shown immediately after a click)

Also, what may just be the result of a cache clear, doom scrolling seems to cause a similar lag after scrolling past +50 posts. Thumbnail loading becomes laggy, but not sure if related to the issue above.

When the lag starts, Connect will lag fairly bad for as long as a minute. I have also turned off image preload, but that had no effect.

Side bug, changing the title in the new post edit cleared my first post body.


I am writing a security paper on AI at the moment and am looking for some juicy citations.

News articles are a bad source, unfortunately. Direct references to credible studies are ideal.

Thanks in advance!

(If you couldn't tell by which community I am making this post in, I have my own bias that I would like to exploit.)


I haven't seen this particular issue since early versions of Connect.


loops@midwest.socal is one I absolutely know is not getting blocked. (I detest short form video..)

Some blocked political communities still tend to show up as well. This is is absolutely not good for my own sanity and mental health.

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