me parece posible, pero medio improbable
Awful Taste but Great Execution
Wrestlers usually get their hair wet so it is easier to wrestle and to look better on camera.
Also, they sweat after wrestling
Ya po comparta el server tonce plz
Manda fuerzas
Classism is so terrible and harmful. A lot of people want homeless people to just drop dead in silence. They can't even share a space with them, and don't dare homeless people ask for help.
I think they meant Freedom is vague in the general sense, outside a software development context.
Remember when unlocking bootloaders on Huawei was very easy? Sigh, good times...
This sounds like a GNU/Linux system with a LOT of propietary and limiting additional software.
Looks like they want to do the same lock-in stategy on PCs
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That kid is not going to wrestle for free!