
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

Among other things, yes...

[–] [email protected] 5 points 4 days ago (1 children)

There are hybrid inverters that support dark start (no grid) but yes, as you mentioned, they only do this when they have internally dropped the grid feed, to prevent such a back feed event.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago (2 children)

If cyclone winds lift the panels and damage them, when the sun comes out it can increase the chances of a fire, or some such.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 4 days ago

We had a category 2 cyclone approaching.

I only described it as inclement weather, so as not to become "exciting men's club"...


I turned them off before the recent inclement weather as advised by our local council.

I meant to do it last week, but I kept forgetting.

I turned the DC and the AC back on in the reverse of the order suggested for turning them off.

I watched the panels from across the road for a bit, to watch for anything obviously amiss. (I assume sparks, smoke and fire to be the obvious problems to watch for). We didn't and up getting hit by the terrible weather event, so I wasn't too worried.

The panels seemed to come up ok.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago

Congrats - it sure is a milestone....

I was diagnosed at 44yo, finally got to a psychiatrist who said to me: you're doing every single life hack/strategy we could possibly ask an ADHD sufferer to be doing to manage their symptoms... Did you want to try some medication?

I was like: "so that means, yes, I DO have ADHD?"

He just smiled and said: "yes, absolutely!"

I was so relieved to finally have some kind of answer I broke down on the spot, and had to defer the meds conversation till the next months appt as it was all too much at that point.

I'm 8-9 months in, and wish I'd been diagnosed 35 years ago!

My journey wasn't anything like yours, it only took 12 months once I decided to pursue it, but even I had to laugh when my GP gave me a list of a dozen psychiatrists and told me to call each one to see if they were taking referrals...

I looked at him and said: you're giving me a list of 12 things to do with no deadline so I can get diagnosed with ADHD... Isn't this a terrible idea?!

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Yes.. I realised member everything in the shower.. Even the things I remembered in the shower yesterday....

And have zero ability to get it into my digital journal...

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

I'd suggest maybe either buy from the google store, or from sellers in countries where locking is illegal (like Australia)...

I've also had luck on eBay by confirming with the seller first.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

I've used airtable for these sorts of "personal use" use cases (eg: home built rocketry flight log) and I was even able to use their iPhone / Android app to enter data.

I haven't paid a cent for it yet as I'm well under their data caps.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Haven't tried this in a while (I've been off iPhone for 5years now), but iPhone used to allow this as follows:

If you join your home WiFi and have no default route set by dhcp, iPhone should tell you it has no internet and you can tell it to use the connection anyway.

The iPhone feature to "use 4g when WiFi is bad" should then solve for internet access and let you do both.

Just be aware you can't have split brain DNS, so internal LAN stuff will likely need to be accessed by ip address only, not DNS based.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Mk4s owner here and I'm super unhappy with the output of my factory assembled mk4s, due to a consistent first layer problem. The mk4s is related to the core 1 as far as I know as the "next gen".

Prusa seems to be aware of the issue, but I feel they are still messing around greatly with any kind of actual solution to the problem, that actually led me to pulling the pin on any work purchases from Prusa at all.

I actually got sent a second factory assembled mk4s as a "make good", and the new unit had the exact same problem, right out of the box...

If I had my time again, I wish I'd have gone the Voron in some kind of pre-packed kit form...

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago

OMFG this is brilliant...

Feel like sharing the source so I can adjust to get a few stickers printed?

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Is anyone else having HORRIBLE problems with their Prusa Mk4 or Mk4S first layer quality...

My mk4s developed a problem that Prusa spent 3 months troubleshooting with me where the first layer is being laid down too close, and so filament blobs, then prints fail.

Eventually, they advance replaced my whole printer, and the new one had the exact same problem out of the box..

I managed to find a bug that was raised on github for this exact issue, with 22 other people registering "mee too" for the issue..

I'm just looking for some feedback from the wider community to see if any others have hit this problem?


It is self propelled. It took me a quarter of the time to do our lawns as it normally does, so I had time to trim the hedges...


My desk is very messy. I thought it was just "average" clutter but a colleague made a comment the other day that changed my feelings on it.

I have a sit/stand desk, so I need drawers that can attach to the underside..

I've decided to design some and make them with my 3D printer. I have to split it into 4 parts as it is too big to print it all in one go.

I've printed three of the parts, and just restarted the 4th print as it failed aboit an hour into the seven hour print job.

Mowed the lawn today.. (
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

We've had weeks of alternating torrential rain and super hot sunny days that have both prevented me from mowing, but super charged the lawn growth at the same time.

The lawn was almost a foot long after not being able to mow it for 14 days due to the weather.

I had to empty the catcher on the mower every 10ft, and I made so many trips back and forth to the green waste bin with the catcher, I got my 8000 steps for the day.

It normally takes me an hour to mow the front and back lawns, but today it took me three and a half hours. The last two hours were in the dark, and I had to mow with a pair of torches...

It's nice that it's done now, but I'll have to mow again within the next 5 days.


I've evolved from bifocals to trifocals. I didn't pick new frames, as Iike the ones I had before, so I just got the same frames again. I got these ones with lenses that go dark when you wear them outside and clear when I come back in. This means I'm not constantly swapping glasses when I come inside, or go outside...


Reading posts from this community pleases me in ways I have struggled to explain or define.

Until I realised...

The dull men's club is is the antitheses of the escalating deluge of drivel from self dubbed "influencers" on social media.

This community celebrates the every day but does it without the hullabaloo of attention grabbing junk we are surrounded by these days. It does it quietly in a dignified manner... and I find that.... comforting...

Also: I cooked bacon and egg breakfast for our teen kids and all their friends this morning. I cleaned the kitchen before sitting down to eat my own breakfast. I decided to clean first, as this way I get to sit down and not get back up. Cold breakfast was a small price to pay for being able to drink my coffee and read the news, knowing the kitchen is done, and I don't need to get up again....


Updated template. Had no idea on who the knucklehead from the original template was.

I really wish that my love of privacy respecting technology could couple with my love of sustainable and repairable ownership respecting technology...

I know GrapheneOS leverages security features only found in the pixel, but a fella can dream, can't he?

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