And besides the thought of maybe having to move
This is actually a great mindset to have, because it is a perspective that encourages having less stuff. You can also think of stuff as requiring effort even if it is sitting somewhere untouched. You should still be dusting it, move it if it is in the way, clean behind it, and so on even if you don't use it. Just possessing things requires effort if you want a clean living space, and anything you have means less space to move around in or to store the things you do use.
Honestly your overall method is solid. If you haven't used something in a reasonable period of time then you aren't likely to. Although you didn't mention it, having it around is also a reminder that you aren't using it which can be a mood killer for some people or lead to feeling overwhelmed.
Like money, you need enough stuff to live happily, but an excess doesn't lead to more happiness. It also isn't necessary to reduce stuff all at once. Evaluate what you still use regularly and a few keepsakes are perfectly fine!
I love the first criteria for holiday decorations!
Not a great rule for winter coats though :)