I think decentralized currency is the best part of crypto. Much of US strong-arm policy has been through leveraging control over the dollar? Remember a few years ago when OPEC were making noises about maybe tying oil prices to something other than the dollar? The US government has a collective shit fit, and although I never heard it reported how the issue was resolved, but it stopped being news and oil is still tied to the dollar. It's probably one of the reasons why the Saudis were about to kidnap, torture, and murder of Jamal Kashogi in the US.
I am 100% in support of a currency that is not solely controlled by one group or State. For all of its terrible contribution to global warming, Bitcoin has proven resistant to an influential minority (e.g. Segwit2x) forcing changes over the wishes of the community. I especially like anything that scares bankers, and usury scabs.
Satoshi made two unfortunate design choices with Bitcoin: he based it on proof of work, which in hindsight was an ecological disaster; and he didn't seize the opportunity to build in depreciation, a-la Freigeld, which addresses many problems in capitalism.
We're all on Lemmy because we're advocates of decentralization. Most of Lemmy opposes authoritarianism. How does that square with being opposed to a decentralized monetary system? Why are "dollars" any more real than cryptocoins? Why does gold have such an absurdly high value?
I'm not sure where you're going with the git simile. Git isn't performing any proof of work, at all. By definition, Proof of Work is that "one party (the prover) proves to others (the verifiers) that a certain amount of a specific computational effort has been expended." The amount of computational power used to generate hashes for git is utterly irrelevant to its function. It doesn't care how many cycles are used to generate a hash; therefore it's in no way proof of work.
This solution is designed to cost scrapers money; it does this by causing them to burn extra electricity. Unless it's at scale, unless it costs them, unless it has an impact, it's not going to deter them. And if it does impact them, then it's also impacting the environment. It's like having a door-to-door salesman come to your door and intentionally making them wait while their car is running, and there cackling because you made them burn some extra gas, which cost than some pennies and also dumped extra carbon monoxide into the atmosphere.
Compare this to endlessh. It also wastes hacker's time, but only because it just responds very slowly with and endless stream of header characters. It's making them wait, only they're not running their car while they're waiting. It doesn't require the caller to perform an expensive computation which, in the end, is harmful to more than just the scraper.
Let me make sure I understand you: AI is bad because it uses energy, so the solution is to make them use even more energy? And this benefits the environment how?