Seing how Proto-Judaism evolved (I mean, JHWH had a wife called Ashera?!) and how the Bible's content was chosen should make way more people think.
joined 2 years ago
I jumped and got me Arma Reforger for PC. I found a small and nice little community of like minded people to play with and am having a ton of fun. So glad I gave that game a second chance.
'I thought we talked about this!'
Because the Emperor protects and Healthcare rejects.
Quick addition: 'Pups' means 'fart' in German. A word used by and around children. Or if you have enjoyed an education.
And this isn't even Black Phillip's final form.
Ah, a fellow Alec connoisseur!
Just came here to drop the info: Her reacting to the news of her daughter dying of old age while she was in the Stasis Pod was a deleted scene in the Aliens Director's Cut.
Now let us grow back teeth!
Assassin's Greed
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A good one.