Hi dad
Excuse my dumbness, but how would it be useful if it's "write-only". You just put data in the cloud, never to be read again? I'm probably misunderstanding lol
Edit: nevermind, it's a joke website right?
Doesn't support my city :(
Yup, where I'm currently living has a great public transport app, even works without Play Services!
Too bad OSM (and by extension this app) doesn't have public transport directions...
Damn the sphinx has cavities, better brush it's teeth /jk
Soo, they ask about it to help them better understand and maybe change their worldview. What's wrong with that?
Edit: after reading some of OP's replies, yeah, they don't seem like a nice person
Cities: Skylines (would have picked the sequel but doesn't have that much content yet)
Kerbal Space Program
Minecraft (I guess it's the ultimate creative game)
I'm considering switching to LibreWolf after all the AI crap Mozilla is adding
Yup honestly they're quite old and rather weird
Additionally I would like to propose that we don't sign up for apple or other fruit rentals or delivery subscriptions.
Not yet
The number of people downvoting this not realising it's refering to the username is sad