
joined 2 years ago

Artwork I saw in a gorgeous mid-century modern home while on a vintage house tour.

Text below says: "Ever since he was an owlet, this Horned Owl has dreamed of flying to the moon. Until NASA finally approves his application, however, he will continue training in the anti-gravitational chamber he has made out of twigs, found string, and pellets."

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

I got them in that order too

[–] 4 points 1 month ago

Oooh yum, I'm a sucker for capers but haven't ever had them in a risotto. Love how the black of the risotto jives with the sunflower plate 🌻


Today she caught a cricket that managed to find its way inside the house, and in a manner both cute and horrifying, playfully dismembered it before eating the thing.

[–] 8 points 1 month ago

She's gotten a little bit of supervised porch time, my husband and I plan on training her the same way we've trained our first cat, Mirepoix.

Mira loves her supervised outside time and understands when we ask "you wanna go outside?" She'll generally stay in the garden with us (occasionally she'll push her luck and wander a little) and knows when we say "inside!" that it's time to go in.

[–] 26 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Oh of course! I kept an eye on the local lost pet listings and had her checked for a microchip, no luck with either.

I don't know how long a young kitten can go without food, but she was extremely skinny, had fleas and worms, and with how matted her fur was with leaves and filth, she really didn't look like she'd been taken care of. 😒


I won't call it pizza, because of how royally I screwed up the crust. I was trying to use this Serious Eats recipe, but my aging food scale severely under-weighed the volume of water, so at first I ended up with a wet paste rather than a dough. I kept adding a few tablespoons of flour and mixing until it finally looked like dough, though by this point it was over-kneaded and under yeasted, and didn't really rise.

Regardless, I decided to send it. Used a yogurt feta dip (made WAY too much and trying to use it up) as sauce, then topped with thyme, onion, mushroom, broccoli, mozzarella, and crumbles of some old dried out mortadella. Topped with some grated parmesan once out of the oven, and it tasted pretty good, albeit a bit dry.


Was chilly, but a nice day for a walk. Brought the binoculars and got a few good photos of birds, including this egret catching itself some lunch.


Just over a month ago, this little kitten showed up on our doorstep. The security camera showed her making a beeline right up our driveway and onto the porch, where she sat screaming her head off until we heard and opened the door.

She was nothing but bones underneath the matted fluff, but she was immediately friendly and surprisingly trusting. I had been wanting a second cat and my husband jokes that my desire manifested this little one, who we named Sofrito, or Sofi for short. β™₯️

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

So I finally got around to seeing it at one of the last theaters showing it in my area, and I agree with folks calling it ridiculous. It was entertaining enough, I don't regret going to see it, but I don't think I'll ever get the urge to rewatch it.

Denzel Washington seemed to be having a great time and was fun to watch in his variety of extravagant outfits. There were several actors that just seemed wasted for how little screen time/plot relevance they got, Derek Jacobi, Rory McCann, Peter Mensah, even Pedro Pascal. But for me it was the repeated continuity errors and confusing character motivations that strained disbelief.

Like, I'll roll with you that a fleet of Roman warships have siege towers and trebuchets; but if two characters fall off of the city wall into deep water, then suddenly they're on a shallow beach, then you've lost me. Likewise, when Lucius' stated goal the entire film is "I'm gonna kill that guy," and he finally gets his opportunity, Acacius pleading that he's loved Lucius' mother (which is not new information, and he didn't seem to give a shit earlier), somehow changes his mind? There's a number of other "but why would they do that?" moments, but that's the most egregious.

[–] 3 points 4 months ago

It's been a while since I've grown parsnips, but I saw a contestant on the Great British Bake Off make a parsnip cake (as opposed to a carrot cake), and that's got me itching to grow them again.

[–] 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Hah! Well you've hit the nail on the head, I'm in California and clam chowder with good fresh clams is a rare treat.

I use canned clams in my chowder, and I usually reach for some fatty pork product to render fat for sauteing the veggies and as a finishing garnish (I once splurged on some guanciale, but wasn't a discernable enough upgrade to be worth repeating). Interesting to know that the chowder isn't traditionally thick. I can't think of a single time I've had it at a restaurant where it wasn't, which is why I was adding extra thickeners to try to match that expectation.

[–] 2 points 4 months ago

Yep, didn't have any bacon in the house, but I like having a little meaty salty bite in my chowder, and turns out spam fried until crunchy fits the bill!

[–] 1 points 4 months ago

I have no interest in reading anything beyond the original six books (and even 5 and 6 are just okay), so I have no clue as to the content or quality of the source material, but man am I praying it's at least close to the quality of the movies. So tired of big budget shows with god-awful writing. It looks like the showrunner was in charge of season 2 of Altered Carbon and season 4 of Westworld, neither of which I was particularly enamored with, but I'll still hope for good things for this show.

[–] 3 points 4 months ago (3 children)

Oh certainly try it, clam chowder is one of my favorite soups. Both New England and Manhattan style are delicious, but my inner fatass prefers the New England.

I differ from the usual recipes in that I'm a sucker for really getting some good browning on the vegetables before adding the liquid. The flavor is worth the trade off of having a tan colored chowder rather than the pale cream of the traditional New England style.

[–] 2 points 4 months ago

I agree, soup weather is the best!


Doesn't quite fit the briefing of food porn (imo it's pretty hard to make soups/stews aesthetically pleasing), but sure did taste good.

Didn't have the cream I'd normally use, but made do with 2% milk and buttermilk powder, and then I added potato flakes and a bit of gelatin for some extra body.

[–] 5 points 4 months ago

My exact thoughts! Also the dual meaning of "swatted."


Pretty gutted, had just started to harvest this year's crop. Just the cherry on top of an already shit day. Even managed to snap the half inch metal stake I put there when I first planted it in February 2021.

[Image description: view of a row of five young fruit trees planted in half wine barrels in a home garden.]


Harder to stand up, but SO much easier to carve!

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by to c/

This was something my dad used to do when I was a kid. Next year when the kids will remember the person in the scarecrow, it will actually be stuffed, and I'll be hiding somewhere else!

View from a little further away, my husband was hiding behind the screen door controlling a spider that dropped from above 😈

[Image description: nighttime view of the front door of a house decorated for Halloween. A scarecrow sits on the porch with a large spider hanging above. In the foreground is a dark hooded mannequin, with swirling fog.]


I think you're supposed to pinch them off, but they're just too pretty.


The text of the plaque reads:

KATE and ELLA 1895

Kate and Ella the daughters of the Rea family were early settlers of Anaheim. The family named their ranch "Katella Ranch" after their daughters. The original Anaheim wagon track was later named after them and is now Katella Ave.

Artist: Ramon G Velazco June 2008

Developer Anaheim Gardenwalk II LLC City of Anaheim Public Art Program

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