Boiled frog
Thread made by canonical employee
When the aca was passed, insurance was mandatory. Sorry i forgot that the gop tax bill in 2017 repealed the individual mandate penalty. Some states still do have a penalty for being uninsured.
I don't understand this meme. If you have an hmo you're supposed to have a primary care doctor/physician. If you have ppo then sure, it would make no sense to have a primary care since its not required to see a specialist. But if you have insurance and your not well off then it a pcp isnt an issue or you have an hmo.
Maybe its a log scale?
Only prosecuting district attorneys can chose to bring a crimial charge to court.*
*except in north carolina... for some reason they actually let victims prosecute.
It sounds wrong without the comma
So many bad commas
I like it when i miss the train because town A's time is way off from toen C's time
Because CSR was a mathematician, and in algebra, equations typically have x as the variable of interest. Thats the connection here? Why