
joined 2 years ago
[–] xthexder@l.sw0.com 4 points 9 hours ago

I think they've got 1 person watching dozens of cars though, it's not 1 per car like if there was human drivers.

[–] xthexder@l.sw0.com 6 points 5 days ago (1 children)

It's easy to think of libraries as evil if they've never stepped foot in one.

[–] xthexder@l.sw0.com 15 points 5 days ago (9 children)

You can send 4xx errors yourself too. If the client needs to change something about the request, that's a 4xx, like 400 Bad Request. If the server has an error and it's not the client's fault, that's a 5xx like 502 Bad Gateway.

The wikipedia listing of all HTTP codes is quite helpful. People also forget you can send a custom response body with a 4xx or 5xx error. So you can still make a custom JSON error message.

[–] xthexder@l.sw0.com 39 points 6 days ago

If those vibe coders knew what a binary tree was, they'd be very upset.

[–] xthexder@l.sw0.com 9 points 1 week ago (1 children)

It doesn't help that the AI also has no ability to go backwards or edit code, it can only append. The best it can do is write it all out again with changes made, but even then, the chance of it losing the plot while doing that is pretty high.

[–] xthexder@l.sw0.com 1 points 1 week ago

If that company has people curating the results, then they have a reason to exist and they would have a valid copyright. If the company is just feeding customer prompts into an AI, then there's no copyright, but also no value added vs just using stable diffusion or a hosted service yourself.

I just think any AI image that can't be copyrighted wouldn't be worth buying a license for anyway, since that implies no human was involved in creating it.

[–] xthexder@l.sw0.com 4 points 1 week ago (2 children)

You can buy a license to use the work from the original author.
Why would you give a machine money? Just use the generation tools yourself and then you have the copyright. If there was no human input then it's just worthless AI slop.

[–] xthexder@l.sw0.com 15 points 1 week ago (6 children)

No I asked for a definition that doesn’t include property damage.

If you read what they're saying, they made a pretty good argument for why the definition of violence can include property damage.

You can stick your head in the sand all you want, but only reading answers that match your opinion is a good way to go insane.

[–] xthexder@l.sw0.com 32 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I know you meant backups can protect against ransomware, but it would be pretty funny if ZFS included a ransomware password cracker

[–] xthexder@l.sw0.com 8 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Can either of those do collaborative editing? I usually think of that feature when I think of Google Docs

[–] xthexder@l.sw0.com 9 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Imo if they can't max out their harddrive for at least 24 hours without it breaking, their computer was already broken. They just didn't know it yet.

Any reasonable SSD would just throttle if it was getting too hot, and I've never heard of a HDD overheating on its own, only if there's some external heat sources, like running it in a 60°C room

[–] xthexder@l.sw0.com 3 points 1 week ago

Ah right. DRAM also requires a capacitor instead though, and I don't know how you'd represent that with crabs. Maybe it's possible.


I was on a road trip through the prairies and had to stop on the side of the road to watch the northern lights. The entire sky in all directions was lit up. I was able to take this shot with the big dipper visible.

4-second exposure, Sony A9 II, f2.8 24mm Sigma Lens, taken Sept 18, 2023

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