To try pop os, they have a separate iso already including all the Nvidia stuff. It works great, rock solid, seamless. (You'll see info about their new cosmic DE, and I think it will eventually be good, but I wouldn't suggest trying it now, especially for a new person. It's not ready for non-enthusiast use, and mixing it with their current Gnome-based DE introduced some small issues for me.)
your average black rubber oring isn the same material
That has got to be the most amazing typo I've seen in a while. This comment seems legit and knowledgeable. So, did they mean is the same material, or isn't !!???
(Context says they mean isn, but still, it's a fantastic typo)
I came here to mention 3d printing as a solution (that comes with it's own problems!).
Board gamers watch videos about board games too!
I've really been looking forward to this! This announcement post is really sweet, and makes me glad for all the folks who worked on it.
Actually my first time; I had to order them just for this, and they're great! Now I have extras ready for the next project.
Awesome! Yeah, the color scheme came out great. The variation definitely fits a rag-tag orc army especially. Another idea along these lines would be even more variation, like they're bring their own equipment to fight, but a couple of simple details for the "uniform", like a crude slash of the same color across their shirts and shields, or something like that.
Painting party is an awesome idea! Send us pictures of what the group does. My only mini painting has been with bulk acrylic paints, on minis for a board game we like, but the results made me so happy!! Having actual mini paints of any quality, plus input from someone who has done it before, will be a great advantage for you all :)
Haha, same here. We've been on this ride before, and it wasn't fun the first time.
Lol, yeah it does add up!!
Shout out to everyone who's not drinking today, for whatever reason! Good luck to you. Make a plan for something better tonight.
Yeah I think that sounds right. The other mentions of Mint here seem particularly suitable for this situation.