You’re gonna have to put up that waffle recipe… OP don’t leave us hanging
OP pls
A community for sharing favorite vintage and nostalgic recipes from years past. The goal of this community is to preserve our favorite dishes and share them with the world so that they don't go extinct just because they're not in the culinary zeitgeist.
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We here in Vintage Recipes believe that information should be freely available. We learn by observing and analyzing what has come before. We do not believe in secrets, and we do not believe that old methods should be forgotten.
You’re gonna have to put up that waffle recipe… OP don’t leave us hanging
OP pls
Hell yeah, thank you!
Where's the personal story before the recipe? Where are the ads and the unnecessarily large images of the finished product? /s
I love the book layout! That’s genius.
I think my parents have a copy of this (or something that looks very similar)! Not sure anyone's actually made anything from it, though. Really unique design.
Definitely interested in pot pie or shepherd's pie type recipes if you find them!
This reminds me of the YouTube channel Tasting History with Max Miller.
Thanks for sharing!
I'm vegetarian, so I'm curious: are there any interesting vegetarian main-course dishes in there? Maybe something that's been forgotten or is unusual?
Yay! Can't wait!