I always think of white people as the ones complaining about raisins in food. So many delicious savory dishes with raisins from the Middle East or India provoke strong reactions from western pallets used to food that only does 1 thing, rather than combining multiple flavours.
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Yeah that's strange, I always associated raisins in food as something ranging from Morocco to Bangladesh. Not the whitest countries ever.
Imho in general European food isn't very keen on sweet and salty mixes. Except for the USA who does it all wrong smh.
We have a few potato and apple combinations in the Rhineland.
Also goose with quince or pear are present in french cuisine.
I think traditional European cooking has many similarities with south med/ near east cooking. Don't lob us in with modern American randomness.
I was thinking "have these guys never had an empanada?"
Raisins inside empanadas should be a sin- I don’t like having a sweet surprise in what should be a mouthwatering savoury meal
Raisins in empanadas aren’t universal. Here in colombia they don’t usually include them.
I learned how to make empanadas so that I could make them without the raisins my mom would add.
Unexpected pastry raisins should be considered a war crime.
Thank you for mentioning unexpected. Oatmeal raisin cookies are good, but when you're expecting a chocolate chip the raisin surprise is disgusting.
Honestly, biting into a chocolate chip when you are expecting a raisin is also disgusting.
Nah, that's a happy little accident.
BOOOOO! Raisins are valid (at times)!
Raisins should be considered a war crime.
Pretty sure African food uses it, too.
Come to think of it, what culture doesn't use them?
Never ate Chinese food with raisins
EDIT: probably didn't eat enough
Theres a traditional bread (bun?) in Chinese called Mantou which can come in a lot of varieties, one being whole grain with raisins
Oatmeal Raisin > Chocolate Chip.
Yep but oatmeal chocolate beats them all
Your cultural horizon must be very small if you think it is something specific to white people.
Yeah but white people = ick
Duh 🤪
Alright, bear with me here.
Back in the middle ages Europeans didn't have access to sugarcane. Because of that, they never even thought to try to breed sugary beets and process those into sugar. The same was true for tree sap or any other possible source of sugar, because why the hell would it even occur to them if they'd never seen sugar?
If a person in the middle ages wanted to make something sweet, their choices were to add honey or to add fruit. Honey was expensive, and the vast majority of the population of Europe were peasants. Honey wasn't something they'd have around all the time. While fruit was way easier to come by, it was only available seasonally. So how do you make a sweet cake in the middle of winter? Dried fruit!
So here's the big kicker about putting raisins in shit: it's been unnecessary for four goddamned centuries. There might be an occasional dish here or there that's been made the same way since before sugar was available, but there's no fucking excuse for it in like 95% of dishes. We live in an age where I - a regular dude who isn't particularly wealthy - can go to the grocery store a mile away and find a dozen kinds of produce that were shipped from the other side of the planet where they're in season. There hasn't been an excuse to ruin perfectly innocent cookies with raisins for hundreds of years.
If this were another race and another food this would be downvoted to shit
Seriously! The only reason oatmeal cookies get a bad rap is because of the fucking raisins!
Oatmeal chocolate chip, when you can find them, are awesome.
Any food where raisins would actually work, dried cranberries or blueberries would be 100x better. This would be things like pastries, bagels, trail mix, etc. Not stuffing, tuna, mac-n-cheese or other savory dishes.
No one ever needs to question if what they just bit into was a rat turd or a fly.
I'm convinced that raisins are only popular because they were a luxury food for our grandparents and they only exist in these dishes because that's what our grandparents thought rich people would do with raisins when they were kids.
My mom used to put raisins in tuna sandwiches
I no longer feel bad about the things I've done to her
Whatever dude, now I can't stop thinking about Grandma's cinnamon-raisin bread
Raisins belong in their tiny little snack box for small children to enjoy and in well labeled oatmeal raisin cookies. That's it.
Peshwari naan?
Hot oatmeal?
Braised shard?
Jeweled cabbage?
With goats cheese and bacon?
cmon live a little
Or hear me out, in a bin.
To make it better.
Rice pudding. Tapioca pudding. Both excellent with raisins.
I do love stuffing with dried cranberries though! And traditional Christmas fruitcake with myriad dried fruits and nuts!
Oh my god, that's disgusting! ~~Naked pics online~~ Raisins in places they don't belong? Where? Where do they use those?
I love sauerkraut, but when you put raisins in there it's a whole next level. For me it's like perfecting perfection, love it!
Could you please post your exact coordinates? I need to call in an airstrike.
I ate rice with a curry sauce yesterday and I put raisins into the sauce. I LOVE me some raisins in my food.
Bruh raisins, especially ones a little sour are fire in rice
I concur with this, and also submit apples/grapes in chicken salad should be considered culinary abuse.
Raisins suck
One year my mom put chopped up apples in the stuffing. My siblings loved it and I hated it. Fruit does not belong in stuffing.
I've had apple and chicken sausage and I could see it working, but I'd saute the apples with the seasoning and onions so it's not just a big hunk of apple all by itself.
When I make a turkey I put an apple and an onion inside for flavor, along with cinnamon and some sage.
(And, yes, that is Alton Brown's recipe.)
True and I won't apologise