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Rogue Legacy is a great game, and I hear the second one is sweet too
The second one knocked it out of the park. Really well done successor.
100%. It's almost like the first is a beta for the second, despite being amazing in its own right.
I've added it to my list of wishes, let's hope Santa is bamboozled into thinking I've been good this year
The second game is the ultimate version that Rogue Legacy 1 should have been, and I say this with a lot of love and hours into the first game. It takes everything from 1 and turns it up the maximum and then some.
Can't wait for the mods with thousands of new traits .
It's been over 10 years since we released Rogue Legacy 1, and in the pursuit of sharing knowledge, we are officially releasing the source code to the public.
License head
Rogue Legacy 1's source code is made available under a custom license. Basically, you can compile yourself a copy, for free, for personal use. But if you want to distribute a compiled version of the game, you might need permission first. See the EXCEPTIONS.md page for more information.
not open source :(
License seems to be quite permissive, isn’t it? I specifically checked. Unless you mean strict copyleft.
Custom license, not free for commercial use. Assets are still proprietary. https://github.com/flibitijibibo/RogueLegacy1/blob/main/LICENSE.md
I guess the main benefactor will be the modding scene. Indie devs can make deals with Cellar Door Studios to get a commercial licence with additional conditions. It might be close to open source in practice if the commercial licences are handed out generously.
Sounds reasonable for a game’s source code to me, I don’t see anyone claiming it’s “open source”
Makes sense to protect the studio's reputation against potential droves of crappy, barely altered clones with scam ads.
Well, we are in the lemmy subforum named "open source" so its implied.
Fair point!
Regarding the proprietary assets, I used to give it some thought, and came to a conclusion that other than selling consultance services, selling assets is the only way to make money while creating something open source. That's why now I don't find proprietary assets to be something bad.
Just to clarify, licenses are free software or open source when they fit the definition of those terms, aka the 4 freedoms and whatever open source requires, but both require being able to use the software without restrictions. So this isnt open source.
This is an opinion which is not universally shared. Even Stallman doesn’t agree with this definition.
Anyone who disagrees ought to go get their own term rather than appropriating "Open Source" and/or "Free Software".
I've heard "source available" used.
Nobody owns this term so who’s appropriating?
I and the OSI say otherwise.
You claim ownership of „open source”? That’s wild. Your lawyer can speak to my lawyer, I guess.
"free software" very clearly means some software you can use for free (which this isn't), but "open source" very clearly means openly accessible source code, which this is.
What is Free Software? - GNU project
The four essential freedoms
A program is free software if the program's users have the four essential freedoms: [1]
- The freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose (freedom 0).
- The freedom to study how the program works, and change it so it does your computing as you wish (freedom 1). Access to the source code is a precondition for this.
- The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help others (freedom 2).
- The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others (freedom 3). By doing this you can give the whole community a chance to benefit from your changes. Access to the source code is a precondition for this.
I don't know however if it is illegal to use the source code without having bought the game first, so I don't know if toothbrush is correct with their point.
Something that I find could prevent it from being called free or open-source software is the fact that you are not allowed to make derivative works for comercial use.
You may not alter or redistribute this software in any manner that is primarily intended for or directed toward commercial advantage or private monetary compensation. This includes, but is not limited to, selling altered or unaltered versions of this software, or including advertisements of any kind in altered or unaltered versions of this software.
-- https://github.com/flibitijibibo/RogueLegacy1/blob/main/LICENSE.md
“Free software” does not mean “noncommercial.” On the contrary, a free program must be available for commercial use, commercial development, and commercial distribution. This policy is of fundamental importance—without this, free software could not achieve its aims.
Thanks, I know what free software is. Open source != free software.
toothbrush was talking both about free software and open source and you claimed that Stallman disagreed with the notion that free software must allow to be used without restrictions (which I misread as run in toothbrush's comment and only now realized that they weren't talking about running)
That's why I talked about free software, but I'm sure at least the commercial use part also applies to open source (since business is mentioned as an example in the point about discrimination against field of endeavor in the OSD)
I said that Stallman didn’t agree with the open source definition he was using. Please stop conflating free and open source software.
Since there’s one open source that’s more strict and one that’s more permissive, for the more strict one, we should indicate that it’s like the value of a variable: it has a specific meaning that doesn’t change. With that understanding, Rogue Legacy is open source, but Trisquel is “open source”.
(I was going to go with Tux Kart instead of Trisquel for that joke, but my heart couldn’t handle throwing shade at Tux Kart.)
Edit: I’d just like to interject for a moment. What I’m referring to as Tux Kart, is in fact, SuperTuxKart, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, Super+TuxKart
Lets not do open washing here. Its not open source, as that would require it having an open source compatible license, which it does not have, see the open source definition:
- No Discrimination Against Fields of Endeavor The license must not restrict anyone from making use of the program in a specific field of endeavor. For example, it may not restrict the program from being used in a business, or from being used for genetic research.
They don't seem to claim it's open source, just that they made the source code available.
I hope somebody will make source ports to other platforms eg. Android :D
Unrelated but how does one gains profit from an open source project? I heard that Doom is open sauce, but it's still a commercial game…
Honestly? They're probably going to continue to offer the game on Steam and it will probably continue to trickle in revenue. Most people who are interested in the game have already bought it, so it's never going to draw in millions again.
The game is currently listed at $15, but goes on sale frequently for $3. I bet many new players would be happy to pay steam $3 for the cloud save and steam's easy game management, as opposed to compiling from source for every new PC install.
Finally, the gameplay loop between Rogue Legacy and Rogue Legacy 2 are pretty similar. This means the the original is a good extended demo for the sequel which is .$25, but up to 50% off. Frankly, it's a great marketing move at this stage in the game's lifetime.
The source code being available doesn't allow you to play the game. To actually play it, you'd still have to buy the game. Unless you figure out how to play it without any artwork.
Huh, yeah. Usually when the source is released it includes the assets too, but this does not. I don't know how useful it is for "education" then. You can't tinker with it and see how it effects things, so it's harder to really understand why things work the way they work.
Usually, when? Also, it's for modders.
Still bet someone will create a new set of assets that fit like a glove for preservation purposes. But kinda sucks that it's not quite as useful as I was naïvely thinking.
It's going to allow modders complete access to go full ham on the game, though. It opens up a ton of things that can be played around with.
The assets aren't free and open source. If you want to legally use the open source code to play a game, you'll either need to buy the game to get the assets or use an alternative like freedoom.
I love hate that game. Fuckin bullshit sometimes!