Personally, I've just finished watching this entire video, and I cannot recommend it enough. For those who are new to this subject, the video retraces steps back to events before Roswell. It skillfully connects the dots, linking members of the government, agencies, prominent scientists, and various individuals and organizations within the military-industrial complex.
Even if you've been immersed in this topic for an extended period, I believe you'll still encounter new insights. Jesse's interview with David Grusch juxtaposes the shared information from Mr. Grusch with some lesser-known facts, creating a compelling narrative. I'm genuinely curious about everyone's thoughts on this.
I'm aware that the video is quite lengthy. I'll provide some key points courtesy of reddit user Limit6396. However, I strongly urge you to set aside these key points and watch the entire interview firsthand. Break it down and view it in segments if necessary, but give it your undivided attention.
From the reddit user Limit6396
This IS David Grusch unmuzzled. That's exactly what Jeremy Corbell said in the last episode of Weaponized. I'm really enjoying this. I feel like this is a completely different, more real view of DG, that's kind of really a perfect counterpoint to the Ross interview, the Debrief piece, his BBC interview, and the Congressional Hearing. This is a must watch.
- Oh, and David is actually a pretty funny guy with great timing and perspective.
- David says he is NOT aware of any "disclosure plan". He laughs and says if there is, he's been unwittingly recruited into it and the people orchestrating that plan were masterclass level, but he's laughing like it's not possible.
- He explains that yeah, he did cover his bases with his investigation, and isn't being fooled. He laughs about this idea, too; the vibe is that all of these common conspiratorial notions are B.S. as far as DG is concerned. Things are very face value.
- Confirms the IGIC did his own review and knows what he knows.
- David talks about how people always ask "well, if this is real, why hasn't it leaked?" David mentions as someone highly highly cleared, there are tons of mundane special access programs that have never, ever seen the light of day he knows about, and they discuss that.
- And he offers a ton of insights filling in the gaps of stuff, including how intelligence stuff works and so on. I'm quite far in and no major drops after what we've already heard, but a lot of gaps are being filled in, and I really appreciate it.
- He specifically implicated Oppenheimer as an architect of the secrecy involved in "the program" -- in fact, he when asked who he'd choose to ask anything about this who he thought could answer some questions, he named Sarbacher and Oppenheimer. The atomic energy act relevance is expanded upon here.
- He says that the Manhattan Project was actually "the first blue book", and mentions that they were getting TONS of UFO reports there. Also, it is shown that this corroborates something Jacques Vallee has reported, and a clip is played to demonstrate it, then they talk about the Trinity case.
- He talks about Wright Patterson and folks who've tried to get access, including presidents.
- He expands on how the stovepiping and compartmentalization has stopped reverse-engineering process.
- "They went a different evolutionary path"... "They're actually not as advanced as you and I" <-- Grusch says, not clear if this is speculation, may be speculation. "We're like 1 discovery away to maybe manipulate space time, or whatever".
- They talk about the books "UFO and Nukes" by Robert Hastings. This is a book Ross Coulthart has also highly, highly recommended. David Grusch acknowledges the nuclear incident that Robert Salas was involved in, as well as the others. Didn't necessarily confirm them, but seemed very well informed here with insights about the mentality of the missile operators.
- What is the connection with nuclear? Grusch doesn't seem to know. "It might be a mosquito to a blue right. It's so hard to understand intent and all that, could be probing, could be recon, mere curiosity. Maybe they're interested in knowing our development of our civilization." David said it's impossible to gauge intent. He does say his bias is that they are studying us, comparing to Charles Darwin studying Finches. He quotes Lue Elizondo here and concurs with some of his assessments.
- They discuss a discussion with Gary Nolan, and his report of being approached regarding exposure to the craft (and Havanna Syndrome). David is aware of this, and says "Certainly... that sounds like visible-band light being shifted into the ultra-violet and you're literally getting a sunburn." David goes on, expanding on the processes that relate to these injuries (perhaps speculation) and says the artifacts involved there (data, I think) suggest they're "literally manipulating spacetime". "You create a tsunami wave, and you're riding across space-time." They talk about string theory, the idea of a unified theory. Really, there is a portion where they talk about theoretical physics quite a lot, and David, at surface level, seems to be pretty solid here. This section may be scrutinized a lot.
- The interviewer asks if there were discoveries in physics that were not disclosed to the public. Specifically, anti-gravity. Apparently the study of this was quite huge in the 1950s, they talk about string theory being presented as BS, it's very conspiratorial, deliberately stagnating the field, roping in physicist Edward Witten and his father, plus Garry Nolan, quoting also Eric Weinstein. This section is quite long and digresses from the interview with DG for a while. The interview tells DG himself about this topic, and DG seems to be learning about it for the first time. This section should probably be scrutinized a lot, because all of this stuck is generally not discussed in this community. DG does say there is a lot of stuff he can't talk about that happened before all this: "You're like, oh shit!"
- They discuss the lack of actual theorists on the issue. DG on Jacques Vallee "Nobody has really replaced him at that level, especially on hypothesis that are a little more testable." The interviewer suggests the unlikelihood of the E.T. hypothesis. On this note, DG mentions the Ariel School Event, and references the beings in that case he says, if we believe the "100 schoolchildren", then "it would be pretty rare to have the same development (in terms of bi-pedal, form, etc.). It's either E.T. and we're seeing engineered beings similar to us, for ease of communication ...maybe?" Clearly, he doesn't know here it seems.
- They discuss the time traveler theory. DG talks about time, and mentions Planck length. DG talks about our conception of time and how it's off: "The way we conceptualize time it's not constant at all." DG references how he talked about the holographic principle during the congressional principle and expands on this. He seems to be just kind of speculating like we all do. "Maybe we're seeing higher dimensional stuff casting a shadow into our world." "Maybe some of the UAPs... they're here... but they're not from 'out there'"
- The host mentions the idea of craft bigger on the inside than the outside; a clip plays of Jacques Vallee talking about such a case in detail. The host classifies this as a pattern. DG seems to speculate further: "Yeah.... that seems to be a transformation from lower to higher dimensional space. That seems to be what's going on there. I don't know if we have a good framework for how to do something like that. I don't even know."
- Elon Musk comes up, his quote that, and paraphrasing "if anyone knew there was aliens, it would be me." DG: "...yeah, I don't know what's going on with him." Later says on him: "We need the Howard Hughes of our generation to get access to the good stuff."