Same Chad energy as the dude who stopped a watergun alone with a shield.
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This guy holds the line.
Damn, is that a photograph or just a still from a video? If someone caught that as a photograph, it's stunning. Very impressive.
it costs $400,000 to fire this weapon for 12 seconds
Oh my God... who touched Sasha!?!?
Still not comparable to military ammo costs
I ain't got time to bleed.
How in the fuck does it keep going like that?
To me it looks like a bunch of what we call Roman candles bunched up together, they're like tubes that will fire maybe between 10-40 shots depending how big they are (I assume these are the biggest ones they could find and like maybe 10/12 of them together).
The link posted as a reply seems to be dead but you can buy them here and it has a video demo, looks like you’re not supposed to hold them.
In the USA the cops would’ve shot that guy after the 3rd firework.
I was wondering how he wasn’t shot yet as I thought it was Georgia in the US.
Soon, that Georgia wants to join the EU, too.
Nah they would've eventually given him a cabinet position.
Depends on the colour
Cops: "We have a firehose!"
No, this is a fire hose.
Thats the type of human I want to be in the trench beside me.
Be the change you want to see...
That is fucking amazing. Bravo.
A: Fucking impressive, holy shit. Good on them for having a plan that day.
B: I thought that was a fucking battleaxe in the foreground for a moment there.
Visually impressive and to an enough degree even the anti-riot forces felt necessary to turn the water cannon on the individual.
Jesus tap dancing Christ. That’s simultaneously one of the coolest and most insane things I’ve ever seen. It just kept going!
Now that's how to protest. Make the police sweat. They should fire a few strobe rockets overhead for effect.
Holy fuck how much Ammo has this thing?
What are the protesters demanding?
The release of Serious Sam 5?
A free and fair election.
They had an election recently which was not free and fair, high evidence of vote manipulation, ballots being burnt, people getting beat up and payed at polling states, which led to the pro-Russia party pulled off a suprise “win”.
Give it a few more years and we’ll need our own gatling fireworks in the US. We’ve checked several of those boxes, just not on a large scale.
The president elect told people that they won't "need" to vote anymore after this election because he'll "fix" it. They've been saying exactly what they're planning on plain English this entire time. So yes, it'll be interesting when the next election rolls around.
This is America, we have miniguns. Yes, they are $800,000 and there are only 12 that are civilian transferrable after a 9-18 month application process, but we have them.
Edit: I origionally said "gatling gun" and corrected it to "miniguns". You can buy a gatling gun(hand crank) with only the standard background check in most states for like $5k, but the 12 miniguns need all the cost and hoops. Might as well add there is one mk19 40mm automatic grenade launcher for sale at around $500k; I have heard there are more than the one, but it wouldnt be more than 6.
The ruling party, recently reelected in a fraudulent election has declared that EU accession talks will be stopped until 2028. This has stoked ongoing protests over election results.
A not corrupt election...
Fuck yea
Ahh, nothing says "protest" like possibly burning down your neighbors' houses.
Does protest mean like, following the law and making everyone feel all comfy and warm inside? GTFO
They could use the water hose on the fire instead of the protesters
But you know they won't.
Philadelphia MOVE bombing
For those unfamiliar:
The 1985 MOVE bombing, locally known by its date, May 13, 1985, was the bombing and destruction of residential homes in the Cobbs Creek neighborhood of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, by the Philadelphia Police Department during an armed standoff with MOVE, a black liberation organization. As Philadelphia police attempted to evict MOVE members from a house, they were shot at. Philadelphia police then dropped two explosive devices from a helicopter onto the roof of the occupied house. The Philadelphia Police Department allowed the resulting fire to burn out of control, destroying 61 previously evacuated neighboring homes over two city blocks and leaving 250 people homeless. Six adults and five children were killed in the attack, with one adult and one child surviving. A lawsuit in federal court found that the city used excessive force and violated constitutional protections against unreasonable search and seizure.
Get fucked brad