But he's still going to be racist and transphobic right?
Because I want to keep being racist and demand to see people's genitals.
I don't care if I have to pay $6 for eggs so long as I can still be an asshole.
Also feel free to check out [email protected] (also active).
Icon credit C. Brück on Wikimedia Commons.
But he's still going to be racist and transphobic right?
Because I want to keep being racist and demand to see people's genitals.
I don't care if I have to pay $6 for eggs so long as I can still be an asshole.
He hasn’t backed down from the racism, as far as I know.
Because I want to keep being racist and demand to see people's genitals.
In fact, we should start requiring that all sports be played in the nude, so we can be 100% certain that all of the athletes are playing fairly. Just imagine all of the sweaty, naked, muscled bodies slamming onto each other when the football is- err… Uhh… I mean… For the safety of the children. Yeah. We need to require it to keep the kids safe!
It's ok, he's still going to cut energy prices by 50%, right?
Right after he fixes healthcare!
If by fixing healthcare you mean removing consumer protection regulations and increasing profit.
That's the one
No no no, he's going to eliminate the healthcare cost.
He will do so by eliminating healthcare entirely. Everyone will be healthy or they will die. So much cheaper!
But he’s gonna bring back the jobs, right?
Yes, for children.
Make all children work again! MACWA!
What is the problem with jobs? The statistics look good to me.
The kids working in the coal mines numbers haven't been looking very high for several years...
"Line must go up!" said the shareholders.
Look at the popularity of Minecraft and games like it. The children yearn for the mines.
And crime is down everywhere, too. Conservatives’ biggest fears are the ones the make up.
Unfortunately, statistics don’t vote.
The prices will go down when he causes a full-blown depression.
Tbh I'm cool with this at this point. Burn it down.
No shit.
I’m shocked, I tell you! SHOCKED! 😳
I'd be surprised if he held any of his positive promises. He will hold his negative ones, though. For sure.