Why is that so impressive? Those things are like three bites at most and NOT filling
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You can really taste the bees! I think, I don't quite know what beeswax is.
Bee vomit
I thought that was honey. Plus, there's also royal jelly?
I think bees wax is bee shit. You're thinking of bee puke
mmmmmmmmm....cherry chapstick.......
And they give my colon the lubrication it needs to poop.
I have NEVER accomplished this. They're either lost or ran through the dryer to destroy a load of clothes.
I've never had it destroy a load of clothes. It's a tiny amount of mostly Vaseline.
Or beeswax, in the case of Burt's Bees.
Me neither. We are not The One.
You call that finished?! It’s just getting started. Get your finger down in there and dig out the rest. Another several weeks of soft lips await you.
[ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED] - Responsible Chapsticker
That's easy I left a tube of chapstick in the car once and I was able to use the entire thing without opening it.
If I do that here in the south, it just melts in the summer. Constantly buying new ones in the summertime because I take them inside to not melt, then forget them at home.
Damn, only time I accomplished this was when i lost and found it multiple times. Bit like bic lighters
I am about to finish my third tube of Aquaphor branded lip balm. It’s the only brand I have done this with
How? Tell us how!
Not OP but i have also unlocked this achievement.
Step 1: Use it.
Step 2: don't lose it.
Step 3: ???
Step 4: profit!
I thought this place was supposed to be dull.
The rare exciting news of a finished Chapstick (rather than lost, wrecked in the washing machine, etc ..) is certainly not dull!
I'm going to go and reorganise my screw boxes to calm down a bit.
Can you teach this skill to my gf please? She constantly has around 3 in rotation and keeps needing to swap in new ones because they just disappear.
For added triumph, try to use it up before it goes bad.
Because apparently that's a thing.
Surely this is a sign of the coming apocalypse.
Does it still taste as good at the end as the beginning?
Hell has officially frozen over.
Counterpoint: that's burt's bees (bee's?) lip balm, thus so far chapstick still has never been successfully conquered.
This is right up there with running a pen out of ink.
I have five or six on the go. Can't tell if I've ever lost one. Win-win!
There should be some sort of title bestowed upon people that make this accomplishment .... beautifully done, I am in awe.
I do this all the time