That's no forgery, that looks like original work to me!
Seriously though thanks for sharing!
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That's no forgery, that looks like original work to me!
Seriously though thanks for sharing!
It looks awesome. Did you make a sharpness test?
Cuts paper, and the pork butt I tested it on today :)
Nice. I took a knife forging class and it was such a cool experience. Your knife looks a lot better than mine though, a lot straighter and smoother. Good job!
(In actually doing it, like a personal achievement thing that must feel good af.)
And you didn't even use a single stick of ram!
That's a pretty dope first effort!
Thanks, it was a blast! The knife works great. I learned a ton and am tempted to set up a cheap forge in my garage.
Where did you make this one? Did you take a class, or find a blacksmith willing to tutor you, or what?
I took a class at Stryker Forge in Port Townsend, WA, USA. Guy’s actual name is Stryker Gooch and he won an episode of Forged in Fire, which is how I found him.
tempted to set up a cheap forge in my garage
Cool! Do you have plans for what else you want to make?
I love knives so probably just lots of knives 🤭
Yooo, thats hella cool man!