I really like the idea of using urchins as mushroom caps! I have one done like a jellyfish by using spanish moss
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Uhhh, your idea is also very nice! I definitely will keep that in mind. I still have tons of sea urchins to do something with :)
Those are beautiful!
Yes, I especially love the red-orangy ones with the five stripes
Very cool, both of you! I've never seen that before
Love them & hope you keep it up!
Very cool. That would make fantastic terrain for a tactical mini game. The mushrooms are some kind of sea-thingy, aren't they?
The mushroom heads are skeletons of sea urchins that I always dive for when on holiday
This is amazing! I have the Spanish moss jellyfish, like another user mentioned. But this is very cool, feels like a great gift idea!
That's actually pretty cool!
That is freakin awesome.
Thats beautiful!
Love it!