Nailed it.
Dull Men's Club
An unofficial chapter of the popular Dull Men's Club.
1. Relevant commentary on your own dull life. Posts should be about your own dull, lived experience. This is our most important rule. Direct questions, random thoughts, comment baiting, advice seeking, many uses of "discuss" rarely comply with this rule.
2. Original, Fresh, Meaningful Content.
3. Avoid repetitive topics.
4. This is not a search engine
Use a search engine, a tradesperson, Reddit, friends, a specialist Facebook group, apps, Wikipedia, an AI chat, a reverse image search etc. to answer simple questions or identify objects. Also see rule 1, “comment baiting”.
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Some other communities to consider before posting:
5. Keep it dull. If it puts us to sleep, it’s on the right track. Examples of likely not dull: jokes, gross stuff (including toes), politics, religion, royalty, illness or injury, killing things for fun, or promotional content. Feel free to post these elsewhere.
6. No hate speech, sexism, or bullying No sexism, hate speech, degrading or excessively foul language, or other harmful language. No othering or dehumanizing of anyone or negativity towards any gender identity.
7. Proofread before posting. Use good grammar and punctuation. Avoid useless phrases. Some examples: - starting a post with "So" - starting a post with pointless phrases, like "I hope this is allowed" or “this is my first post” Only share good quality, cropped images. Do not share screenshots of images; share the original image.
I work in a manufacturing environment and keep all the weird anomalies that turn up in our hardware inventory. I have screws and carriage bolts with either half-formed or non-existent threads, keps nuts without the built-in washer, fiberlock nuts without the nylon, washers that didn't get the center hole stamped through all the way, screws with off-center heads, Phillips screws with a ghost of where the Phillips hole should be, zinc-plated screws that only got half-dipped, a pop rivet that had the pin pressed cross-wise through the shank, and my favorite piece is a ball bearing that was packaged with a bee nestled inside the hole.
This, friend, is the fodder of which Dull Men's Club is made. You cannot merely mention this collection; to not show it would be cruel.
Are you able to share pics of your collection?
I'd be interested to see, too!
My favorite one that I have found was a tape measure with exactly one error. The 2' 0.5" mark was marked one sixteenth off. The entire rest of the tape measure was accurate.
Things I'd like to put in a sturdy balloon or wrap in aluminum foil and blast out of a canon for $200 Alex!
That's not a screw, it's a Phillip's head nail.
Actually made me laugh out loud. Thank you. I'm stealing this if I ever get the chance.
Your pleasure, is My pleasure. Years ago, helping a friend clear out the house, and found a nearly full box of Phillips company Screws. It was at that point that I realized, that tool we all have one of is a PhillipsScrew driver, not a Phillips Screwdriver, or perhaps more accurately a PhillipsScrew screwdriver, if you will.
Nothing will make you irrationally hate someone you've never met than owning a home.
Oh my god we just bought a house and I feel this too much.
The previous owners will constantly shift between roberts, phillips, hex, and flathead within the exact same sheet rock wall.
Probably emptied the workshop dust pan into their personal toolbox every evening before going home.
Someone at the factory accidentally disabled hyperthreading. You only get a core.
That's the pin bolt. You didn't place the pin bolt??
It's like they want everything to fall apart and catch fire
I'd say this is fastenating but obviously it's not!
You can't just post lewds to Dull Men's Club!
Put some threads on! Geeze!
you know they did that shit on purpose because they hate you. you should cause a scene, or everyone will know you let them win. pls report back.
I tried to install a luggage rack on my car and the screw holes for the cover plates weren’t tapped, I feel your pain. Didn’t matter though because the cover plates didn’t align anyways so just left them off instead of tapping the holes myself
Spiraled out of control
I didn't think it was possible but you just put a new spin on screwing.
Look how dull that screw is, it's perfect
I say attempt a friction weld.
Do you really think they did this out of laziness?
They didn’t even bother to put threads on the one screw
Reads like you’re saying that but really it’s likely a mistaken in manufacturing and wasn’t picked up by quality control.
I like to exercise positive intent with these things.
Of course